Code of Ordinances


An “ordinance” is a law or regulation formally enacted by the Covington Board of Commissioners in accordance with the terms set forth by the Kentucky Revised Statutes. Certain ordinances are arranged in a “codified” manner, meaning that they are consolidated and organized into a systematic code. These are ordinances that are of a permanent and general nature.

The organization and numbering of Covington’s Code of Ordinances includes titles, chapters, and sections. Each section is self-identifying as to title, chapter, and section number. For example, Section 92.07 indicates that the section falls within Title IX (General Regulations), the chapter number is 92 (Nuisances), and the section number is 07 of Chapter 92 (Noise control). Generally, the numbering of chapters is not inclusive and often numbers are “skipped” or not assigned to account for future changes or past sections that may have been repealed.

If you have any questions pertaining to the city's Code of Ordinances, please contact the Legal Department at (859) 292-2311 or the City Clerk at (859) 292-2314 or email

Recently Passed Ordinances

Please click on the links below to view the complete, executed Ordinance.








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