Bureaus & Specialty Units

Administration Bureau

The Administrative Support Bureau works with the office of the Chief to maintain and acquire police property and equipment and maintain facilities. It is responsible for training all sworn employees.  ll recruiting and hiring of certified personnel is done in this bureau in accordance with the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council standards.  The bureau is currently in the process of CALEA certification. This bureau also oversees the board for Professional Compliance. 

Criminal Investigations Bureau

The Criminal Investigations Bureau is charged with the responsibility of investigating crimes against persons and property as well as collecting, maintaining and evaluating evidence. The crime bureau consists of investigators, civilians lab technicians, two sergeants, and one lieutenant. One section of the crime bureau is the Domestic Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.). This section investigates cases involving child abuse, adult abuse, juvenile crimes and domestic crimes.  The remainder of the bureau investigates all other crimes such as homicide, burglary, robbery, rape felony theft, fraud and arson. Conducting polygraph examinations is another responsibility of the crime bureau. In 2013, 35 exams were performed.

Narcotics/Vice Unit (D-Team)

The D-Team focuses on the detection, investigation and neutralization of drug trafficking in the city of Covington as well as quality of life patrol in the special housing units throughout the city. The D-Team is comprised of investigators supervised by a Sergeant and overseen by a captain. One investigator is part of a K9 Team which is partially funded by the DEA. The investigators are assigned to street level narcotic cases, the FBI Safe Streets Task Force (focusing on combating violent street gangs, crimes of violence, and the apprehension of violent fugitives) the DEA task force (focusing on investigating middle to upper level drug trafficking organizations), and the Housing Authority of Covington. 

Patrol Bureau

The Patrol Bureau of the Covington Police Department is the largest bureau in the department.  The Patrol bureau is staffed all day, year-round and is disbursed between four shifts, and a Traffic Unit.  The Devou Park rangers and civilian cadets are assigned to the Traffic Unit.  Two of the officers are designated to coordinate Community Liaison activities.  The four shifts support bike officers, two of the three K9 teams, DUI and Traffic Accident Prevention specialists, training officers and accident investigators and reconstructionists.

Media & Public Relations Officer

This officer serves as the liaison between the Police Department and media outlets. Capt. Justin Bradbury is the Department's public information officer (PIO) and can be reached at jbradbury@covingtonky.gov or (859) 292-2248.

LGBT Liaison Officers

The LGBT Liaison Officer serves as a link between the Covington Police Department and the LGBT Community. The mission of the LGBT Liaison Officer is to build communication between the LGBT Community and the Covington Police Department through developing trust and understanding. Captain Jennifer Rudolph is the department's LGBT Officer and can be reached at jrudolph@covingtonky.gov.

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