Devou Wall
Retaining wall collapse on Devou Drive resulted in the roadway being closed to traffic.
Status: Bid documents for the reconstruction plans for the new wall will be advertised Saturday May 31. Construction contract will be awarded June 24. Roadway will have to remain closed until construction is completed for safety reasons.
Southern/Latonia Reconstruction
Status: Project Complete
Caroline Underpass
Status: The project is complete and the roadway is now open. The sidewalk is still closed on the west side of Caroline Avenue until the new railing can be installed.
Lake Park Drive
Roadway reconstruction
Status: Project complete.
Sidewalk replacement, underground utilities, rain gardens, street trees, decorative benches/garbage cans/sign posts).
Status: Project complete. One outstanding structure issue under one segment of sidewalk is being addressed.
Sidewalk Repairs
A city-wide project and schedule to improve sidewalks throughout the City.
Status: the South Covington and Latonia section was awarded to Prus and they are making great progress now that the weather is starting to improve. City staff is working on the bid documents for the northern part of the City, pending next year’s budget allocation.
Eastern Avenue Slide
The existing tie back walls will be extended to correct the slide that continues to worsen near Meiken Field.
Status: Project complete
Madison Avenue 4th and 5th Streetscape
Underground utilities and sidewalk replacement on the east side of Madison between Tobacco Alley and 5th Street.
Status: Project complete. Area on east side of Madison between 4th and Tobacco Alley will be next phase we concentrate on.
Mobile Home Park Demo/Grading
The items remaining on the mobile home site will be removed and the site will be regraded.
Status: Project complete
6th Street and Scott Boulevard Project
This project will create a gateway at 6th and Scott Boulevard to both Madison Avenue and Mainstrasse.
Status: Currently in design phase to form a plan to create a gateway between Madison and Mainstrasse. Project will include underground utilities and sidewalk replacement. Construction will likely start Spring 2015.
Pike Street Triangle
Sidewalk and aesthetic improvements to the corner of Pike and 8th Street.
Status: Project complete.
Riverside Drive
Roadway and sidewalk stabilization project. Geotechnical review complete.
Status: Next step will be to hire a firm to design the fix based on the geotechnical report that was received.
Highway Avenue Fence
The chain link fence along the north side of Highway Avenue will be replaced with a decorative fence.
Status: Working with property owner to determine if land can be acquired to link this sidewalk to Riverfront Commons.
Riverfront Commons Phase I
This project will improve the City's Riverfront along the Ohio River from the base of Greenup Street, west to Route 8.
Status: Woolpert, Inc. was selected as the design engineer for the project and is actively working on the plans. Pieces of the project could be constructed later this year.