COVINGTON, Ky. - Don’t fret about the wadded-up wrapping paper, empty wine bottles, and the remains of Aunt Gertrude’s fruitcake building up in your City-issued garbage and recycling carts.
You will be able to get rid of all that stuff next week. It just will be a day later than usual in some areas.
That’s because the solid waste and recycling collection schedule in the City of Covington is slightly different during New Year’s week because of the holiday.
The schedule for the Dec. 31-Jan. 5 week will be thus:
- Monday: Rumpke will collect garbage and recycling as usual.
- Tuesday-Friday: Service will be delayed one day (a la Tuesday routes are moved to Wednesday, Wednesday routes to Thursday and so on).
Remember to follow rules on bulk items: One bulk item (separate from your regular garbage cart) each week, with many items requiring wrapping or tying.
For more information on trash and recycling in the City, click
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