
Order, pick up a free (potted) tree

This flowering cherry on Madison Pike shows that trees have aesthetic benefits as well as environmental ones.


COVINGTON, Ky. -- If you live in Covington, you’re eligible for a free tree from Taking Root and The Arbor Day Foundation. 

The trees are 2- to 4-feet tall, come in a 5-gallon pot, and are to be picked up 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 27 at the World Peace Bell, 425 York St. in Newport.
A variety of species were left as of this writing, including two varieties of flowering crabapples, baldcypress, lacebark elm, and a variety of black gum, ironwood and serviceberry.
To order a tree, click HERE and fill in the information.
The Energy-Saving Trees Community Canopy program is designed to help homeowners and communities save energy and money by strategically planting trees to maximize their environmental benefits.

The order process includes an interactive exercise in which you can place the tree on your lot and get an estimate of the energy savings it one day will create.