
Clive’s ‘crop circle installation’

Drone practice on Monday, as seen from the Clive the Alien installation on Scott Boulevard. And the City's partners in both the CCR site and the topping-out ceremony.

Tonight’s ‘Topping Out Ceremony’ at CCR signals ‘galactic new heights’

COVINGTON, Ky. – The salutation read: “Greetings, Earthlings.” The invitation – to an event steeped in a centuries-old tradition – implied other-worldly, even futuristic, influences, and was shrouded in mystery.

Clive The Alien, The Cov’s 30-foot-tall cosmic friend, who puts pedestrians and vehicles along Scott Boulevard under the close inspection of his massive magnifying glass as he leans out of the Midtown Parking Garage, is apparently also organizing soirees, and exclusive ones at that.

“It’s me, your friendly neighborhood alien, Clive. I come in peace and with an invitation!” the email declared, inviting special guests to join in a celebration to take the Covington Central Riverfront (CCR) to “galactic new heights.”

Tonight’s invitation-only Topping Out Ceremony at the 23-acre former IRS site is a celebration of the once-in-a-generation redevelopment opportunity that is the Covington Central Riverfront. As Covington Economic Development Director Tom West said, the event recognizes that even putting the last bit of “fill” on the new Third Street will let everyone in the region know just how special CCR is, as well as the teams that work to make it a reality.

That last bit of “fill” that West refers to signals the final “fill” of soil that’s part of the redevelopment’s first phase. Bray Construction Services began filling in soil on the site in April. Bray will also lay new separated sanitary and storm sewer lines as well as gas, electric, water, and communication lines. Bray will also restore the street grid between Third and Fourth streets and build the public plaza near a new Russell Street promenade. That work is expected to be complete in fall 2025. Recognizing the laying of the redevelopment’s final scoop of soil seemed warranted.

In addition to the otherworldly Clive, the event is being put on by the City’s Economic Development Department, J.S. Held, Bray Construction, and KZF Design.

“So many people have worked tirelessly to get us where we are on this redevelopment opportunity that this seemed like a great way to celebrate all of the progress to date, have a little bit of fun, and set the tone for what this new neighborhood will be,” said West. “We are so appreciative of J.S. Held, Bray Construction and KZF Design for putting on this event to mark this major milestone for the Central Riverfront.”

Event co-sponsors weighed in on the celebration:

  • “This celebration honors the tremendous dedication and hard work that went into achieving this milestone,” said J.S. Held Vice President Bo Hubbard. The City hired J.S. Held, a global, multi-disciplined consulting firm, to project-manage the redevelopment of the former IRS site.
  • “Bray Construction is excited to be a part of this unique topping-out ceremony,” said Bray Construction Senior Project Manager Scott Fryman. “This event marks one of many celebrations the City of Covington will host for this generational project, and we are thrilled to be included in this milestone.”
  • “We applaud the Mayor and City Commissioners for advancing the transformational vision for Covington’s unique and unapologetic riverfront neighborhood,” said KZF Design Strategy Officer Tim Sharp. “KZF Design is energized to see the next step of this project unfold and is proud to play a part in this impactful development.”

Covington-based Spotted Yeti, Crafts & Vines, and Braxton Brewing Co. are event in-kind sponsors. The Economic Development Department provided snacks from Emerson’s Bakery and Zell’s Pretzels, both located in Latonia.   

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