COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington families with children ages 3 to 5 years old can explore fun ways to support their child’s development and kindergarten readiness through Play with Purpose, a free program that playfully engages children in the world of words, helping them build vocabulary, speech, and more.
The program, hosted by Covington Parks and Recreation Department and EC LEARN, a Northern Kentucky-based early childhood resource, runs Jan. 18 through March 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Kenton County Public Library, at 502 Scott Blvd.
To participate, families and caregivers simply sign up at the Play with Purpose playgroup enrollment link, but do so soon. A separate program for kids up to 3 years old has already been filled.
“By investing in early education and fostering kindergarten readiness, we empower our children to break the cycle of low literacy and build a foundation of hope and opportunity for generations to come,” said Covington Recreational Program Coordinator Alicia Chappell.
The playgroup, Chappell said, is a great way for caregivers to connect and learn from each other while making new friends in the process.
“We will spend some time with the caregivers discussing different ways to interact with their children to promote healthy learning styles,” said Chappell. “Each family will receive a toy and book at each session, which they’ll use together with their child in purposeful play.”
Play with Purpose’s structured playgroup curriculum was developed by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), a non-profit organization located in Louisville.
“The curriculum is designed to support families as they learn to engage with their young children, ages birth to 5 years,” said NCFL Preschool Training Specialist Dianna Carlson. “Through intentional play experiences and resources, caregivers explore ways to support their children’s development and successful transition to kindergarten.”
In addition to receiving a free book and toy each week, Carlson said parents can access tips and play activities anytime on the Sparkler app, a mobile app that offers roughly 2,000 ideas for off-screen play that “grow children’s hearts, minds, bodies, and words.”
Karen Sherman, an Early Childhood Community Engagement Specialist with EC Learn, echoed the importance of play for children.
“For young children, play is a powerful way to strengthen relationships, build resilience, develop core life skills, and reduce sources of stress,” said Sherman.
The Play with Purpose playgroups are funded through the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood’s Kentucky Preschool Development Grant and are led by a trained facilitator.
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