
‘Plogging’ event Saturday blends exercise, litter pickup

COVINGTON, Ky. – Volunteers will fan out in several Covington neighborhoods Saturday to pick up litter while getting exercise during the third-annual “Plogging Across the Bluegrass” event.

You can register at Plogging Registration.

The event – whose name employs the semantic merger of the Swedish term “plocka upp” (meaning “to pick up”) and the English word “jogging” – combines camaraderie and community, said Sheila Fields, manager of the City’s Solid Waste & Recycling Division.

Joggers and walkers should meet at 10 a.m. at West Sixth Covington Haus brewery at 100 West Sixth St. to choose from among three routes. Each is about 2 miles long and will take about an hour and a half to complete. Participants can then meet back at West Sixth for drinks and a free lunch from Smoke Justis restaurant.

The City is hosting the event with Keep Covington Beautiful, a program run by The Center for Great Neighborhoods.

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