
St. Patrick’s, Blood Moon fest & rituals

COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s a good thing St. Patrick Day is on Monday (we’re writing about here in the weekend anyway), because that mighty full moon and the total eclipse in Virgo is messing with everything. If you’ve felt like biting the head off a rattlesnake, it’s entirely understandable. The point being that, beer, whether green or amber -- and flowing freely – will be most welcome.

Folks wearing of green (maybe drinking “green”). Moon festivals with moon-themed cocktails. Fortunately there’s an art exhibit opening about rituals that will make it all make sense.

As always, there’s more to do, like listen to live music, play bingo, learn to sew, shop for locally grown and produced food items, and crochet with kittens.

Oh, and get free seeds for your garden. (Just make sure you check the Farmer’s Almanac before planting, because, well, you know, rituals and all).

Kickstart your garden

It’s generally the case that good things come in small packages and that the best things in life are free.

Prepare to receive both on Friday. That’s when the Kenton County Cooperative Extension Seed Giveaway at the Kenton County Public Library happens. Eight packs per household, and be sure to bring proof that you’re a Kenton County resident (like a piece of mail or your driver’s license).

It’s a great way to get motivated to sink your hands into the soil to start the makings of your finest garden yet. And this year? Well, that food could come in handy.

Beneath the glow of the moon

Creative House of Art & Design invites you to step into a world of mystical wonders on Friday for its Full Moon Fest.

Tarot and palm readings will uncover the path ahead for you, and tantalizing cocktails (inspired by the Full Blood Moon in Virgo) will transport and enchant your senses. Soothsayers say it’s time to let go of all that nonsense that’s dragging you down … so do it.

The wearing of the green (the drinking of the beer)

In the event that you did not book a flight to Dublin this weekend, you’ll be happy to know that lively celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day (though officially on Monday) will abound in The Cov at an array of watering holes and other esteemed establishments.

Here are places to don your green and shamrock-themed attire (and please share the names of any others we’ve missed here):

St. Patrick’s on 7th Bar Crawl with Braxton Brewing Co., The Well, and Old Towne Tavern on Saturday … St. Paddy’s Day Practice Day on Saturday and Saint Patrick’s Day (itself) at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub & Restaurant on Monday … St. Paddy’s Day Party at Smoke Justis on Monday … Saint Patrick’s Day at Cock and Bull MainStrasse on Monday.

Those habits of yours

Maybe yours is that raggedy old ballcap that you wear when you watch the ’Cats play basketball because … if you don’t … they’re sure to lose. Planning to wear a touch of green on Monday?


The Notations on Ritual exhibit opens Saturday at The Carnegie, and at noon there’s a Curator and Artist Walkthrough with Sso-Rha Kang.

The exhibit is curated by Kang and explores the theme of ritual – from objects that we hold with reverence to superstitions that dictate behavior.

Notations on Ritual goes beyond your lucky basketball game ballcap but doesn’t discount it, as it oscillates between the sacred and banal (and you can guess which category your ballcap fall in). It points out that rituals take form in all range of things, words, gestures, and more.

Sometimes they’re spiritual, sometimes meaningless, but generally they conjure feelings like safety, joy, comfort, and fear. And, yes, sometimes a feeling of victory.

Great balls of yarn!

Open Yarn Night with Rescue Cats at Purrfect Day Cat Café on Sunday conjures up images of tiny kitty paws unraveling yarn balls and creating a maze of tangles.

In reality, it’s a night of crocheting, knitting, cross stitching, and more to create new projects in a roomful of furry friends. Bring your own project, if you like, because PDCC will have only crochet items on hand, if needed.

(Also, “in reality,” that yarn maze just might happen.)

Live music

Tonight: The Missy Werner Band at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub & Restaurant.

Friday: Chef Boyarbeatz with Yum Yum & Agora at Galaxie … Kyle Knapp at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub & Restaurant … Agnostic Front at Madison Live … Thunderstruck “America’s AC/DC” at Madison Theater … Mike Wade Quartet at Juniper’s.

Saturday: Maddy O’Neal at Galaxie … Liam’s Fancy at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub & Restaurant … The Decently Obscene Comedy Show at Madison Live … The Gimlets at Juniper’s.

Sunday: Jazz Brunch with Angie Coyle at Juniper’s … Tophouse with The Wildwoods at Madison Theater.


Tonight: Intro to Sewing at Kenton County Public Library … Disco Bingo at Galaxie.

Saturday: Covington Farmers Market at Braxton Brewing Co. … MainStrasse Village Food Tour.


