
Agencies needed to spend $700K on housing assistance/supportive services

Federal HOME-ARP funds available in The Cov, seven other cities

COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington is looking for high-capacity social service providers to spend almost $700,000 to help vulnerable populations.

As the lead agency of the Northern Kentucky HOME Consortium – which also includes the cities of Newport, Dayton, Bellevue, Ludlow, Erlanger, Florence, and Independence – the City has issued a request for proposals to spend federal funds from the American Rescue Plan. The RFP can be seen at HOME-ARP Funded Supportive Services.

The funds can be used for a wide range of services for vulnerable populations across the eight cities, said John Hammons, Covington’s CDBG/HOME Program Coordinator. During the consultation process, in which the Consortium spent months soliciting feedback from 14 local agencies and the public, Hammons said stakeholders identified the following priority needs:

  • Supportive services like case management, mental health, substance abuse, employment, housing navigation, transportation, childcare and other holistic services.
  • Homelessness prevention, including shelter diversion programs, eviction diversion, housing and financial counseling, rent and utility assistance programs.

“We know that our non-profits are doing a lot of really good work, but we’re not looking to use these one-time funds for ongoing services,” Hammons said. “This is their chance to be creative, to fund something that’s in addition to what they normally do, or to meet needs that are not being addressed.”

Responses are due by 10 a.m. May 5. By July, the Consortium hope to announce the awards and see the programs and/or services begin to be implemented.

The money can be spent in any of the eight cities.


As part of the American Rescue Plan signed into law in March 2021, Congress awarded the Consortium $2,044,421 to help families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or who are part of vulnerable populations (such as victims of domestic and dating violence). The funds can be used for four activities:

  • Development and support of affordable housing.
  • Tenant-based rental assistance.
  • Supportive services.
  • Acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units.

After spending many months in 2023 engaging with 14 agencies and the public (see “Feedback needed …”) the Consortium created the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, which allots $695,103 to provide eligible supportive services, homelessness prevention, and housing counseling. This request for proposals implements part of that plan.

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