Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/23/18
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/9/18
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 9/25/18
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 9/11/18
COVINGTON, Ky. - It used to cost Covington taxpayers $250 to $700 every two weeks to publish legal ads notifying citizens that the Covington City Commission had passed new ordinances or changed existing ones.
Now it costs about $60.
The sharp reduction in cost comes courtesy of a change made by the Kentucky General Assembly earlier this spring to an arcane state law dicta...
A Special Meeting of the City of Covington Board of Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 20 West Pike Street, Covington, Kentucky, on Thursday, April 26, 2018, for the purpose of discussions regarding FY 2018-2019 priorities.