Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meeting(s).
Please note that the minutes from the 9/5/2024 Special Meeting will be added to this post on 9/6/2024.
The minutes from the 9/5/2024 Special Meeting and the Amended Ordinance have been uploaded.
16 weeks of training complete, Covington pins badges
on nine new members of its Fire Department
COVINGTON, Ky. – In a pinning ceremony laced with history and tradition, nine recruits were sworn in Friday at City Hall as full-fledged Covington firefighters.
It was a 16-week journey … a journey that – according to the recruits’ instructors and trainers – was l...
Michelle Robinson-Wilson was drawn to a career in public service in Covington by the example of her firefighter father (at left in the historic photo), and her grandfather, who was an auxiliary officer for the then-Latonia Police Department.
Chiefs: Robinson-Wilson epitomized importance of ‘non-sworn personnel’ who make the Department run
COVINGTON, Ky. – Michelle Ro...
COVINGTON, Ky. – If you’re sticking around town this Labor Day Weekend – as opposed to venturing out into what dang near every news outlet says will be record crowds at airports and on interstates – there’s no need to feel let down. There is plenty to do right here in The Cov.
And we’re not only talking about the 48th annual Western & Southern/WEBN firewo...
Let’s keep Covington’s First Responders safe this holiday weekend
COVINGTON, Ky. – Note that offices at City Hall at 20 W. Pike St. will be closed Monday for the federal Labor Day holiday and will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday.
We all know that Labor Day was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century as a day designated to honor the American worker and became a feder...
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 8/13/2024
World’s largest economic development professional group
gives City 5 awards for projects, outreach
COVINGTON, Ky. – The world’s largest council of economic development professionals has awarded Covington five 2024 Excellence in Economic Development Awards, honoring work on:
The emerging Covington Central Riverfront neighborhood.
The Covington Academy of Heritage Tr...
Reka's Butcher, a butcher shop, deli, and grocery that specializes in high-quality meats and ready-to-go dinners, will be located at 401 Scott St.
COVINGTON, Ky. – A butcher, an art supply store and studio, a boutique event space, a deli, a men’s shop, and an empowerment center are among the businesses receiving façade or rent assistance during the latest round of Covingto...
From left, Chief Brian Valenti, soon-to-be Capt. Justin Bradbury, soon to be Lt. Jay Zerhusen, the retiring Capt. Robert Rose, and Assistant Chief Justin Wietholter.
Leadership changes at Covington Police
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington Police Captain Robert Rose is retiring after a quarter century with the Department, and his departure is opening the doors for two experienced officers to m...