
Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 06-15-21

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous legislative meeting.

Board of Architectural Review and Development (BOARD) Meeting 06-16-2021

Special meeting notice for the Board of Architectural Review and Development (BOARD) meeting scheduled for June 16, 2021.

Water & books

COVINGTON, Ky. – We survived this week, barely.   Assuming you did too, we want to give you some fun things to do this weekend in The Cov (after you catch up on your grass cutting).   Helping hand on the Ohio The Iroquois called the river on Covington’s northern border the “Ohio,” a name translated by the French as La Belle Riviere, or “the beautiful.&rdqu...

Covington Plaza dedication June 18

Event to celebrate grand opening of dramatic riverfront space   COVINGTON, Ky. – The transformation of Covington’s riverfront was no small thing.   Under the careful direction of Prus Construction’s project manager, 500 cement mixers poured 4,000 cubic yards of concrete. Dump trucks unloaded 18 million pounds of riprap. And a vibratory hammer forced 1,400 linear feet o...

Witches' brews & you

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.)   COVINGTON, Ky. – Here’s a tip: Don’t eat yellow snow.   Here's another tip: If you picked one area of recycling on which to focus your efforts, one that would have the biggest impact on protecting the envi...

River Sweep ’21: Volunteers needed (but expect to get muddy)

COVINGTON, Ky. – Dozens of volunteers are needed Saturday to clean trash from the banks of the Ohio River as part of the Covington “leg” of the national River Sweep 2021 event.   Expect muddy shoes, sore muscles, a sense of accomplishment – and interesting surprises.   “You just never know what you’ll find on the banks of the river,” said Sheila...

Emergency street repair to affect parking, traffic at 7th & Philadelphia

Spray-painted markings show the presence of major utility lines under the affected intersection.  Broken storm sewer line undercutting road surface  COVINGTON, Ky. – Emergency repair of a broken storm sewer lateral at the intersection of Seventh and Philadelphia streets will affect parking and through traffic in the area, but how big of an impact – and how long it lasts &ndas...

Covington swears in 3 police recruits

Mayor Joe Meyer swears in, from left, Ryan Brown, Nicholas Hancock, and Cody Monson. Watching, from left, is Police Capt. Justin Wietholter, Assistant Chief Patrick Swift, Assistant Chief Brian Valenti, and City Clerk Susan Ellis. Officers to attend training academy in October  COVINGTON, Ky. – Three more recruits raised their right hands and formally took the oath of office this mornin...

Rainbow flags & American Idiot

COVINGTON, Ky. – (Cue walk-up music. Maybe “Back in Black,” Gwen Stefani’s “Let Me Reintroduce Myself,” or “Back from the Dead.” … Then barge in doing the Conor McGregor strut … )   Did you miss us?   We grudgingly put the Thursday evening “Weekend in #LoveTheCov” narrative events calendar feature on ice during th...
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