
Eating out & serious pedaling

COVINGTON, Ky. - After a rainy start, it’s supposed to be a perfect weekend for getting outdoors, and we have suggestions, including new outdoor dining options, bike clinics, and the Farmers Market.   Reopen Respect ReCov This is weekend 2 of #RecoverCovington, the City-assisted gradual reopening of the local economy, focused first on restaurants (with expanded outdoor seating!),&n...

Emergency $$$ for ‘legacy’ businesses

Covington’s oldest businesses are listed on plaques in the lobby of City Hall Been in Covington 20 years? You can apply for COVID-related help   COVINGTON, Ky. - An emergency fund created by the City of Covington to help small businesses pay rent and mortgages during the pandemic has been expanded to help long-established businesses that neither pay rent nor have a mortgage. &n...

#RecoverCovington flying proudly

Covington Public Works technician 3 Brad Chetwood installed a banner across the Sixth Street median - aka George Steinford Park - this week that touts the City’s #RecoverCovington initiative.   The initiative - praised by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear last week during his daily 5 p.m. update on the COVID-19 pandemic - is tied to the reopening of the economy and includes expanded outdoor se...

Public Works to get new home

City buys Russell Street property in Peaselburg   COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s Public Works Department will soon have a new home.   The Covington Board of Commissioners on Tuesday night approved the purchase of 1730 Russell St., a 3.68-acre property that includes a 68,000-square-foot building that used to house Cincinnati Tag & Supply.   The location will replace Pub...

A dining area takes shape

Covington Public Works grounds worker Corey Lohstroh (driving the Bobcat), carefully places a concrete-filled water barrier on Pike Street as Parks and Facilities supervisor Brad Schwenke guides him. Covington restaurants expand outdoor seating with City's help COVINGTON, Ky. -- Restaurants in Covington continue to create new, temporary outdoor dining areas on sidewalks, in alleys, on medians, in ...

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 05-26-20

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 05-26-20

Guerrilla stenciling: ReCov takes over

COVINGTON, Ky. -- Members of Covington creative design firm BLDG Refuge moved out into the city starting Friday as part of a guerrilla stenciling campaign to promote the #RecoverCovington initiative.   The campaign - whose details can be seen at this link, -- includes expanded outdoor seating for restaurants as a way to help them open dining rooms back up to t...

‘Covington Contractors’ list growing

A design from Renaissance Covington’s Small Business Saturday event last year, another “Shop Local” initiative. Businesses urged to sign up for Shop Local initiative  COVINGTON, Ky. - Almost 30 Covington businesses - ranging from an electrician to a design firm to a locksmith - have already signed up to be included on the City’s newly created “Covington Contracto...

ReCov, Memorial Day & Sandshrews

COVINGTON, Ky. - First, the solemnity: Monday is Memorial Day, and although the parade had to be canceled this year, that doesn’t absolve us of the obligation to think about the sacrifice that so many made over the years so we could enjoy freedom and a higher quality of life.   There are many names of Covington natives on plaques around town, and many families who still grieve. We thank...
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