
Barb Cook Park rebuild to begin ASAP

A rendering of a renovated Barb Cook Park includes Phase I, future phases and an option that would need private funding. $225K contract on Tuesday’s consent agenda   COVINGTON, Ky. - Phase I of the long-awaited renovation of Barb Cook Park in Latonia is set to begin in the next couple of weeks.   The Covington Board of Commissioners is expected to approve a construction co...

Emergency $$$$ on table for small businesses

Covington is home to many unique small businesses, like these on the Pike Street corridor. City’s rent-mortgage assistance program still available  COVINGTON, Ky. - An emergency fund set aside by the City of Covington to help small businesses pay rent and mortgages during the pandemic still has money waiting to be used.   On March 26, the City set aside $200,000 to award quali...

Expanded outdoor dining kicks off ReCov

1st focus of #RecoverCovington effort: Helping restaurants survive while honoring COVID-19 safety guidelines   COVINGTON, Ky. - Restaurants can apply to set up additional outdoor seating on a temporary basis beginning Friday under new rules developed at City Hall to help establishments survive the COVID-19 pandemic.   Areas where tables and chairs can be added include sidewalks, ne...

Covington Police welcomes back 12-year veteran

Charles W. Beil III holds his (new) badge after being sworn in today by Mayor Joe Meyer, center, and welcomed back to the Covington Police Department by Chief Rob Nader, left.   COVINGTON, Ky. - The Covington Police Department welcomed back a familiar face today.  Charles W. Beil III was sworn in by Mayor Joe Meyer during a brief ceremony at City Hall.   Beil served as a patrol...

Development code meetings Wednesday

COVINGTON, Ky. - Join your neighbors and City staff for events on Wednesday to see how your feedback at the beginning of the Neighborhood Development Code effort shaped the final draft. Here's some stats: 18 months of work (to date). Roughly $250,000 invested. Over 20 public presentations. 14 steering committee members. 8 consultant team members. Countless, cal...

FOP giving $500 to a high school senior

COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington's police union wants to give $500 to a high school senior who is headed to college.   To earn the Covington FOP Lodge #1 Fallen Officer Scholarship, seniors have to fill out the attached application and write an essay answering "What does living in Covington mean to me?" The essay should be 400 to 700 words long and must be original and previously unpublished. ...

2020 Census & Bean Haus Too

Volunteers to help attendees fill out forms at coffee shop’s Greenup grill-out   COVINGTON, Ky. - The Covington Census Committee is “crashing” Bean Haus Too’s community grill-out on Saturday in an effort to raise Census participation rates in surrounding neighborhoods.   The grill-out runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and will feature free food, such as burgers, hot dogs...

New ‘toy’ = smoother roads

As a dump truck drops fresh asphalt in the hopper, Steven Banfield guides the mini-paver along the alley between 42nd Street and 43rd Street. Mini-paver will help Public Works tackle potholes, bad pavement  COVINGTON, Ky. - The newest “toy” bought by the City of Covington’s Public Works Department will bring noticeable benefits for drivers: Smoother road surfaces, longer-la...

German Stripes, takeout & critters

COVINGTON, Ky. - Kentucky has begun Phase II of Healthy at Work: The Reopening, but socially speaking, we’re not there yet.   Still, there’s fun to be had in Love the Cov this weekend, what with the Farmers Market selling food and plants for your garden and all sorts of fantastic restaurants around the city delivering food or selling takeout.   There are also all sorts of vir...
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