
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 11-12-19

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 11-12-19

City Hall is Closed on Veterans Day

As a reminder, City Hall is closed Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.  The City would like to thank and honor all of the brave men and women who have served!

RX for end of daylight savings

COVINGTON, Ky. - If the dreary weather and the end of daylight savings have you feeling low, we have what the doctor ordered in #LoveTheCov this weekend ... (and it’s not more cowbell).   Try belly dancing (with wine). Tarot cards. Edible cookie dough. Drinking a beer to honor military veterans who have a second career protecting the public here in Covington. Helping a new boutique...

Rivalry at Braxton: FOP vs. Local 38

Friday event honors City’s first responder military veterans   COVINGTON, Ky. - With nearly 50 military veterans serving in its Police and Fire departments, Monday’s holiday will be particularly meaningful at the City of Covington.   Ahead of the solemnity of Veterans Day, however, comes the festivity:   Friday night, a public event at Braxton Brewing Co. ...

Covington swears in new police officer

New recruit Paul Mace, center, poses with, from left, Captain Greg Jones, Assistant Chief Brian Steffen, Captain Brian Valenti, and Mayor Joe Meyer.   COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s newest police officer comes to the City from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where he’s been a security officer for nearly three years.  Paul Mace was sworn in Monday morning by Mayor Joe...

Riverfront Commons taking shape

COVINGTON, Ky. -- Steady activity along the Ohio River is starting to create the shape for the $6.54 million Phase II of Riverfront Commons.   This picture provided by contractor Prus Construction shows the excavation of what will become a 1,350-seat amphitheater facing the river and Cincinnati in the shadow of the mural-decorated floodwall and RiverCenter office towers.   In addition, P...

Savasana & digging holes

COVINGTON, Ky. - We can’t believe we’re even suggesting this, but you COULD start getting in the Christmas spirit this weekend (see below).   Or, if you like us bristle at the early mistle(toe), you could see what the inside of an aerial truck looks like, dig some holes for a good cause alongside some Covington streets, check out a Carnegie show, do yoga with the dogs, hear some p...
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