A lot in Covington is riding on accurate 2020 Census
COVINGTON, Ky. - The population of Covington was undercounted by as much as 30 percent in the 2010 Census, federal officials estimate, costing the City significant funds that pay for things like affordable housing and infrastructure and negatively affecting its economic growth.
To make sure the 2020 Census is more accurate, Covingt...
Consultant: Support for 1 of 3 conceptual development plans growing
COVINGTON, Ky. - One of the three concepts proposed for the soon-to-be-vacant 23-acre IRS site has definitely caught the eye of the public - so far winning 45 percent of total votes and 57 percent of those through a still-open online survey.
“We’ve been surprised by the number of people who zeroed in on t...
This property at 542 Greenup St. owned by Betsy Goldfarb and Bill Sachs won a Beautification Award from the Friends of Covington in 2018.
Friends of Covington seeking nominations for annual competition
COVINGTON, Ky. - Do the grounds and exterior of your house or business epitomize “beautiful?”
The Friends of Covington want to recognize it.
The organization, which was fou...
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s conceptual rendering for the “Texas Turnaround” at Fourth Street and the interstate.
Proposal creates new route for Fourth Street ramp onto Brent Spence
COVINGTON, Ky. - A plan to reduce accidents on the Brent Spence Bridge by changing where traffic from Fourth Street merges onto northbound Interstates 71/75 in Covington will go before ...
“Keeter” Seay Tevis, left, with two fellow lifeguards at Randolph Pool
Condolences to family of worker who died in shooting
COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is grieving today over the death of a teen who worked as a lifeguard at the City's Randolph Pool.
Ke'Ovion "Keeter" Seay Tevis, 18, who graduated two months ago from Holmes High School, was shot an...
Board of Commission Special Meeting Minutes 8-5-19
COVINGTON, Ky. - Summer has turned the corner and is headed toward the Back-to-School time of year, but that doesn’t mean the fun is done.
This weekend in #LoveTheCov features the annual Old Timers Reunion, dogs in the pool, Ukrainian Easter Egg painting, and a wide array of events at Covington’s 700-plus-acre Devou Park, including a ride and run, extended dates for Yoga Fit, an...
Volunteers at River Sweep ’19 in Covington not only picked up litter but also dug partially buried debris out of the river mud.
River cleanup event one of five finalists in statewide competition
COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington needs your help ... or rather your vote.
The City and its partners who organize the annual cleanup of litter on the riverfront - locally known as River Sweep -...
New Covington Police Officer Detrick Johnson poses with Captain Greg Jones and Mayor Joe Meyer after being sworn in.
COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington's newest police officer arrives with five years' experience.
Detrick Johnson - an officer with the Louisville Metro Police Department since 2014 - was sworn in Monday afternoon by Mayor Joe Meyer during a short ceremony in the Covington City Co...