
County’s move = Big changes at 2 Covington sites

Work is entering its final stages on the new Kenton County government complex, which includes both new construction (upper left) and a rehab of the historic Bavarian Brewery (right). This view is from West Pike Street. Construction nearing end at former Bavarian Brewery  COVINGTON, Ky. - If you see a convoy of moving trucks driving west through downtown Covington the first two weekends of Sep...

Land of the Dead, The Rooftop & Baker Hunt

COVINGTON, Ky. - It’s gonna be hot this weekend, as in Aitch. Oh. Tea.   You could stay home and rub ice cubes on your forehead. Or ... you could get out and take in all these fun events in #LoveTheCov that we guarantee will take your mind off your boiling brains and scalded skin.   Blues & boogie woogie - like now This one starts in less than an hour, so you’ll have...

Citizen Lifesavers

EMS Director David Geiger presents Citizen Lifesaver Awards to, from left, Steve Templeton, Eric Funk, Sami Peterson, Melissa Kavanaugh, and Linda Strong, all from Fidelity Investments. City honors Fidelity team whose fast, decisive action saved co-worker  COVINGTON, Ky. - When a Fidelity Investments employee collapsed and went into cardiac arrest while walking from the parking lot to the bui...

With heat brutal, Rumpke to start hour earlier

COVINGTON, Ky. - With temperatures approaching triple digits the next couple of days, the garbage trucks will be driving down Covington streets an hour earlier than usual.   In an effort to protect workers at Rumpke Waste & Recycling from heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and heat exhaustion, the City of Covington has agreed to let Rumpke begin residential and commercial collection ...

IRS site survey: Weigh in on 3 concepts

Consultant asking public to discuss July 12 presentation   COVINGTON, Ky. - You can still make your voice heard on the future of the 23-acre IRS site.   A new on-line survey lets members of the public weigh in three conceptual designs proposed during a public meeting July 12 by Cooper Carry, the global architecture and design firm that is helping the City plan and gain development c...

Le parfum de asphalte

6 miles of repaving begins July 29 in Latonia, then South Covington   COVINGTON, Ky. - Get ready for the smell of fresh asphalt.   The City of Covington's annual repaving program begins July 29, weather permitting, with trucks, equipment, and crews heading to the east side of Latonia to begin work.   Over the next two months or so, Riegler Blacktop of Florence will lay a smooth laye...

IRS site concepts: Mix of uses

Three scenarios for 23 acres continue the public discussion   COVINGTON, Ky. - “Green on the Levee” features a strong retail street grid oriented diagonally on the site with a gradual slope up to a massive park near the Ohio River.   “Love the Covline” features a linear park running north-south through the site with “bridges” from building ...

Northbound Amsterdam Road closing Monday

A sign on Amsterdam Road near Sleepy Hollow Road alerts drivers to Monday’s closure. Site work soon underway for subdivision straddling Covington, Park Hills  COVINGTON, Ky. - Northbound Amsterdam Road running from Park Hills into Covington will close Monday morning to through traffic to make way for site work related to a pending housing development on the border of the two cities. &nb...

Tunes, Mr. Red & mac ‘n cheese

COVINGTON, Ky. - The theme is music, and lots of it.   From the two-day Paradise Music & Beer Festival at several venues downtown to Jake Speed’s rocking banjo music (tonight) and KSO’s tribute to female artists at Devou Park, get your attentive ear ready.   And that doesn’t even count the dozens of live acts all around bars and nightclubs downtown (cue up your Face...
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