The City of Covington is looking to strengthen its fund balance policy to increase flexibility and protect its ability to provide core services to residents during tough budget times.
COVINGTON, Ky. - Three times since Covington created what it called the Fiscal Stability Ordinance in 2015, two different City Commissions have voted to change the ordinance to make it less unwieldy and ...
COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington Mayor Joe Meyer is one of only two elected officials in the entire region to make the inaugural publication of “Cincinnati 300: The Most Powerful Business Leaders.”
Editors from Cincinnati Magazine picked Meyer and Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley as the only elected officials on their list.
“Given the growth in business activity and influenc...
Covington City Hall will be closed Monday for the federal holiday, Washington's Birthday (often referred to as Presidents' Day).
Offices will reopen Tuesday.
COVINGTON, Ky. - Whether you’re nuts about high school sports, spending time with your significant other, or trying odd taste combinations, this is the weekend for you.
Glory Days, relived
Northern Kentuckians are just bonkers about high school sports, and that’s a fact. (EDITORS’ NOTE: Whether that’s 100 percent-always a good thing would be a voracious argument...
Covington Public Works employees fixed these large potholes today on E. 15th Street between Scott Boulevard and Greenup Street. At left is cement brick mason Gene Koehl. At right is driver Dan Bitter. Unseen and driving the truck is light equipment operator Paul Thompson.
COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington's pothole repair crews were out again today, fixing the dam...
The statue of John A. Roebling between Greenup Street and Riverside Drive is stranded in the rising waters of the Ohio River, which have blocked access to a couple of roads in the City.
COVINGTON, Ky. - Riverside Drive in Historic Licking Riverside and River Road in Botany Hills are closed because of flooding.
Barricades are blocking access to the roads, which are under water anyway,...
The City of Covington wants the public’s help in fundamentally restructuring its approach to zoning, the process by which communities guide physical development of land.
Residents invited to help shape zoning code rewrite
COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is inviting the public to four neighborhood open houses over the next two weeks to begin weighing in on “the Z word.&rdqu...
Brandon Mims and Bradie Bowen were appointed tonight to the board of the Housing Authority of Covington.
COVINGTON, Ky. - A long-time educator and a human rights advocate are the newest members of the Housing Authority of Covington’s board of directors.
The appointments of Bradie Bowen and Brandon Mims were approved by a 5-0 vote of the Covington City Commission tonig...