
Business workshop explains downtown visitor data

COVINGTON, Ky. - You own a business in Covington and you’ve seen the influx in visitors to the urban core (measured at well over 90,000 people in the month of October). But you want to know more:  What days of the week see the most visitors? What time of day? Are these visitors new to Covington, or have they been here before? What areas do they visit? And, most impo...

City: Bells to toll at 11 a.m. Nov. 11

COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is asking that its churches, schools, and any other building with bells to toll them at 11 a.m. Sunday to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.   The “Bells of Peace” is a nationwide campaign to mark the centennial remembrance of the ending of fighting in World War I, the armistice being signed “on the 11th hour, of the...

City’s Fields gets ‘Heart of Community’ award

Covington Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator Sheila Fields is being honored for her efforts to beautify the City … before, during and after her work week. (Photo from Keep Covington Beautiful.) COVINGTON, Ky. - If there’s an event that has to do with cleaning up or beautifying the City of Covington, chances are Sheila Fields is there.  Fields, the City’s Solid Waste...

Covington mobilizing on education outcomes

Early literacy campaign goes public Thursday COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington next week will formally launch a childhood literacy initiative designed to mobilize the entire community around getting the City’s youngest kids off to a better start in their school careers.   To understand the urgency of this issue, Mayor Joe Meyer says, it helps to know a few numbers.   One is...

iWorQ Service Request app ‘fixed’

COVINGTON, Ky. - iWorQ is back in business.   The computer woes that temporarily shut down the app and online portal that residents can use to bring infrastructure problems to the City’s attention have been fixed.   Residents should be able to use it again without problems, said Kendall Huff, the City’s System Analyst/Project Manager.   Covington implemented the iWorQ so...

Big Head Todd & big guns (biceps)

COVINGTON, Ky. - This weekend, the list of things to do in #LoveTheCov is brought to you by the letter “B.”   (OK, so we ripped off Sesame Street to find a common theme this week. It works.)   There’s Big Head Todd & the Monsters at the Madison Theater. Bodybuilding and big guns (aka big biceps) at the Convention Center. There’s Braxton’s Breeders’...

Awards recognize 3 for ‘Service Above Self’

The three Covington Rotary Club honorees pose with their plaques and dignitaries. From left: Kenton County Commissioner Jon Draud, Covington Fire Chief Mark Pierce, Firefighter Jeff Sanzere, Fire Capt. Joseph Bowman, Covington Rotary Club President Darren Wurz, Police Officer Brian Powers, Lt. Justin Wietholter, and Chief Rob Nader.   COVINGTON, Ky. - Three First Responders from the City of C...

Computer woes interfering with iWorQ

COVINGTON, Ky. - If you’re having problems notifying the City of Covington about infrastructure problems through our iWorQ Service Request app and online portal, it’s not you.   It’s us ... or rather problems with the app.   The City’s IT department is working to fix the problem, and we’ll let you know when that is accomplished.   Covington implemented ...

Trick or treat hours unchanged

Trick or treat in the City of Covington will remain 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31, as set by the City Commission on Oct. 9.

Ammonia leak shuts down Ky. 17

COVINGTON, Ky. - An ammonia leak at the White Castle meat processing facility Saturday evening shut down Ky. 17 and forced residents of the Tuscany subdivision to shelter in place for 5½ hours.   No one was injured during the incident, said Covington Fire Chief Mark Pierce, which ended about 10 p.m., when emergency officials cleared the scene. The road was reopened and the residents we...
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