
Movies & Music & Art, Oh My!

COVINGTON, Ky. - Another weekend, another eclectic assortment of things to do in Covington.   Whether you want to feel good about yourself (by running a 5K or volunteering), want to prepare for buying a house, want a family event like a movie in Devou Park, or want live music or some culture, check out the weekend in #LoveTheCov.   Here are some highlights:   Get the blankets, popco...

New Covington budget: ‘Return on investment’

COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s new budget for the fiscal year that begins Sunday takes decisive action to strengthen the City and enhance the lives of its residents.   Operating on the premise that a City Government should be evaluated by the services it provides, the 2018-19 budget allocates money to programs, priorities, and people that give taxpayers results instead of excuses.   ...

Bring a blanket: It’s outdoor movie time in Covington

More than 1,500 watched the movie “Hocus Pocus” at Linden Grove Cemetery last October as part of “Cinema in the Cemetery.”   COVINGTON, KY - The smell of freshly popped popcorn and a sea of picnic blankets can mean only one thing: The beginning of outdoor movie season.   Families will have seven opportunities to catch free kid-friendly outdoor movies in thr...
Tags: recreation

Board of Commission Special Meeting Notice 06-28-18

  Meeting Notice

Riverfront connector road, sidewalk about to be rebuilt

The sidewalk leading from Covington’s western riverfront hotels to RiverCenter and the Northern Kentucky Convention Center is narrow, unsafe, and uninviting. In addition, the road pavement (just out of this picture) is failing. COVINGTON, Ky. - The nearly $875,000 reconstruction of Johnson Street and Rivercenter Boulevard could begin as early as August, providing a more visible and safer con...

Labor contracts with FOP, AFSCME approved

COVINGTON, Ky. - Members of two of the three City of Covington's employee unions have new contracts that include pay raises and make other adjustments in benefits and pay.   The Covington City Commission approved new 18-month labor agreements Tuesday with both the Fraternal Order of Police, Covington Lodge No. 1, and Local 237 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Emp...

Affordable housing a priority in updated plan

COVINGTON, Ky. - A $3.7 million plan to invest in Covington’s low- and moderate-income areas includes $1.2 million in programs designed to help people buy homes and to create, repair and maintain affordable housing.   The Covington City Commission on Tuesday night approved both the budget for the CDBG/HOME Annual Action Plan for program year 2018-19 and guidelines for three of its housi...

Covington expands incentives for small businesses

Popular nightspot Olde Towne Tavern, which fronts both Pike Street and Seventh Street, redecorated its facades with the help of the City of Covington's Small Business Program. COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington is expanding the boundaries of two incentive programs that help small businesses and has changed criteria to favor businesses that bring the biggest benefit to the City and surrounding neighborhood...

City solicitor wanted mission ‘bigger than me’

Solicitor Michael Bartlett came to the City of Covington to be "a small part of something bigger." COVINGTON, Ky. - The ambush-style shooting of Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim changed the trajectory of Michael Bartlett’s career. Having represented police officers during his early years as an attorney in the private sector, Bartlett had grown to appreciate the mission of law enforcement ...
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