
Covington Police Department Develops Community Surveillance Program, Continues Efforts to Increase Neighborhood Safety

COVINGTON, KY – The Covington Police Department is asking its residents and businesses to join the Community Surveillance Program, in its ongoing efforts to increase safety throughout Covington. Many residents and business owners have video surveillance systems operating at their property location. Often surveillance system owners are not aware that their system may have recorded a crime tha...

City Moves Forward with Riverfront Commons Project; Awards Sunesis Construction Bid for Project

COVINGTON, KY – On Tuesday evening, the Mayor and Board of Commissioners approved an order awarding the Riverfront Commons Project construction bid to Sunesis Construction. The bid awards $1,280,480 to Sunesis to begin the construction of pieces of the Riverfront Commons project in the Northern Kentucky river cities of Ludlow, Newport and Covington. Covington’s current plans for River...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 3.14.17

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 3.14.17

City Schedules Orchard Park Request for Proposals Public Meeting 3/27

COVINGTON, KY –The City of Covington has scheduled a public meeting to gather feedback from the community concerning the future development of Orchard Park. This effort is part of the Linden Gateway Small Area Study. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for the future development of Orchard Park will be discussed at the public meeting. A RFP is a process in which the City solicits proposals from in...
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