
Parks & Recreation Newsletter December 2016

  Want to receive City of Covington Parks & Recreation information directly to your inbox? Sign up here! For additional information or any of the events or programs below, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at or 859.292.2151. Upcoming Parks & Recreation Department Events MainStrasse Village Tree Lighting Don’t miss the MainSt...

City Celebrates Groundbreaking of Duveneck Square Project, Welcomes Governor Matt Bevin to Covington

COVINGTON, KY – This afternoon, the City of Covington celebrated the official groundbreaking of the Duveneck Square project and welcomed Governor Matt Bevin to Covington for the momentous occasion. Hosted by The Catalytic Fund, City of Covington, NorthPointe Group and Bellwether Enterprise, the Duveneck Square Groundbreaking ceremony took place at Braxton Brewing Company. The ceremony includ...

Thanksgiving Day Fire Safety Tips

As you plan your Thanksgiving menu, the City urges you to think about fire safety. Did you know Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires? The number of home fires double on Thanksgiving. Remember to keep these safety tips provided by the United States Fire Administration in mind as you prepare your meal: Turkey: If you are roasting your turkey, make sure you set a timer. This way, you ...

Mayor & City Commission Authorize the FY 16 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Presents Allocation of $4.7M in Carryover Funds

COVINGTON, KY – Tuesday evening, the Mayor and City Commission accepted the Fiscal Year 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY 16 CAFR) and were presented with the allocation matrix for the $4.7 million in carryover funds as authorized by the Fiscal Stability Ordinance. Director of Finance & Operations Lisa Desmarais gave the presentation summarizing the specific allocation of ca...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 11.15.16

Meeting Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting on November 15.

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 11.15.16

Agenda from the Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting on November 15, 2016.

Covington Celebrates "America Recycles Day"

Tuesday, November 15 celebrates "America Recycles Day!" The City of Covington and Keep Covington Beautiful encourage its residents and businesses to do their part in promoting recycling initiatives and in taking the pledge to recycle today. Take the Pledge! Download the social media sticker and post to your Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram page using the official America Recycles Day hash...
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