
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10.11.16

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10.11.16

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 10.11.16

Meeting Agenda from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on October 11, 2016.

Parks & Recreation Newsletter October 2016

Want to receive City of Covington Parks & Recreation information directly to your inbox? Sign up here! For additional information or any of the events or programs below, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at or 859.292.2151. Perk up the Park Join us on Saturday, October 22 from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Barb Cook Neighborhood Park in Latonia for...

City Continues to Increase Its Transparency Efforts; Implements “Open Checkbook” Digital Platform Feature

COVINGTON, KY – Last Tuesday evening, the City of Covington continued to increase its transparency initiatives through the implementation of OpenGov’s “Open Checkbook” digital platform. Powered by OpenGov, Open Checkbook is a transparency feature within the OpenGov digital platform on the City’s website. OpenGov is designed to help visitors understand how Covington sp...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 9.27.16

Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on September 27, 2016.

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 9.27.16

Meeting Agenda from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on September 27, 2016.

Board of Commissioners Approves Fire Department’s SAFER Grant, Authorizes Purchase of $3M in Apparatus Fleet Vehicles

COVINGTON, KY – At the last Commission meeting, the City received great news as it was awarded $1.36M in federal grant funds to hire eight new full time firefighters. The Mayor and City Commission formally accepted the SAFER grant at their September 13 Commission meeting. Fire Chief Dan Mathew stated, “The SAFER grant provides the Covington Fire Department an opportunity to improve its...

Duke Energy Presents Covington with Generous Donation to Replace Trees on Holman Avenue

COVINGTON, KY - Friday, September 23, Duke Energy presented the City of Covington with a $2000 check to donate towards the tree replacement efforts on Holman Avenue. The ceremony takes place at the corner of Robbins Street and Holman Avenue, near the location where the incident took place. On July 7, 17 trees were cut down on Holman Avenue in an act of vandalism. The Covington community quick...

Una Merkel Mural to be Unveiled at Art Off Pike Event

COVINGTON, KY – Austin Dunbar of Durham Brand & Co. has designed a mural to celebrate the Covington native Una Merkel. The mural is located in The Arcade that is located adjacent to Klingenberg Hardware at 26 W. Seventh St. in downtown Covington. Una Merkel was a famous actress in the 1930’s cinema, and Tony Award winner for Supporting Actress in (The Ponder Heart). Merkel has...
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