
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 8.23.16

Meeting Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on August 23, 2016.

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 8.23.16

Meeting Agenda from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on August 23, 2016.

Major Employer Clinical Trial & Consulting Services (CTI) Moves Headquarters to Covington RiverCenter; Estimates 500 New Kentucky Resident Jobs Filled by 2027

COVINGTON, KY – Clinical Trial & Consulting Services will be relocating their global headquarters to Covington, Kentucky. Earlier this morning, Governor Matt Bevin made the announcement that the pharmaceutical and biotechnology organization confirmed its move into the RiverCenter Towers. This news comes from almost 10 months of collaboration between the following: Corporex Companies, LLC...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 8.16.16

Meeting Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on August 16, 2016.

Commission Highlight: Board Approves Sanitation District No. 1 Private Sewer Lateral Program

COVINGTON, KY – A new sewer lateral repair program was approved by the Board of Commissioners Tuesday evening. The Mayor and Commissioners authorized a new agreement with Sanitation District No. 1 (SD1) that will help the City and owners deal with broken laterals. The Private Sewer Lateral Program allows SD1 to repair any private sewer lateral break that happens underneath roadways between t...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 8.9.16

Meeting Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Meeting on August 9, 2016.

Commission Highlight: Board Approves Hiring Computer Forensic Analyst for the Police Department

COVINGTON, KY – The Covington Police Department has a new forensic tool to use to fight crime. Former Covington police officer Ronald Trenkamp will serve as Computer Forensic Analyst. The Board of Commissioners approved hiring him Tuesday evening. As the Department’s very first Computer Forensic Analyst, Trenkamp takes on the challenge of conducting investigations, at the direction of ...
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