
Commission Highlight: Board Approves Hiring Computer Forensic Analyst for the Police Department

COVINGTON, KY – The Covington Police Department has a new forensic tool to use to fight crime. Former Covington police officer Ronald Trenkamp will serve as Computer Forensic Analyst. The Board of Commissioners approved hiring him Tuesday evening. As the Department’s very first Computer Forensic Analyst, Trenkamp takes on the challenge of conducting investigations, at the direction of ...

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 8.9.16

Agenda for the Board of Commissioners Meeting on 8.9.16.

Parks & Recreation Newsletter August 2016

  Want to receive City of Covington Parks & Recreation information directly to your inbox? Sign up here! For additional information or any of the events or programs below, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at or 292-2151. Pool Passes Pool passes are still available to Covington Residents! At this point, you can no longer fill out Pool ...

Chief's Forum

The monthly Chief's Forums led by Police Chief Bryan Carter have been cancelled. Instead of the forums, Chief Carter will be attending monthly neighborhood association meetings. You will be notified by your neighborhood association the dates that Chief Carter will be in attendance. 

Covington and Neighbors Work to Replace Vandalized Holman Avenue Trees

COVINGTON, KY ­– The Covington community spirit is alive and well as the City and the neighborhood are working together to replace Holman Avenue trees damaged by vandals. On July 7, vandals damaged recently planted trees on Holman Avenue in Covington. The Department of Public Improvements Urban Forestry Division and the Westside Action Coalition members are addressing the issue of repairing ...

Board of Commissioners Special Meeting Minutes 7.15.16

Meeting Minutes from the Board of Commissioners Special Meeting on 7.15.16.

Board of Commissioners Special Meeting Agenda 7.15.16

Board of Commissioners Special Meeting Agenda 7.15.16

Commission Highlights: Development Department Transformation, New Police Officers, New Police Vehicles, and New Body Cameras

COVINGTON, KY – A transformational restructure of the Development Department was approved Tuesday night by the Board of Commissioners. Five new police officers were hired, the purchase of 32 new police vehicles and new body cameras was approved. Proposed zoning changes for the former Gateway Community and Technical College “hilltop” advanced in light of anticipated development of...
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