
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 6.28.16

Meeting minutes for the Board of Commissioners Meeting on June 28, 2016.

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 6.28.16

Agenda for the Board of Commissioners Meeting on June 28, 2016.

Board of Commissioners Special Meeting Minutes 6.27.16

Meeting minutes for the Board of Commissioners Special Meeting on June 27, 2016.

Zoning Hearing Minutes 6.21.16

Minutes from the Zoning Hearing on June 21, 2016.

Moody’s Changes City of Covington’s Bond Rating to Positive

COVINGTON, KY – Tuesday evening, Moody’s Investors Service assigned a Baa1 underlying rating to the City’s $9.4 million General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016. Although Moody’s affirmed the City’s Baa1, they changed the former negative outlook to positive primarily due to the City’s strengthened financial management and improved fiscal planning. Moody&r...

Roadwork & Infrastructure Update

Below is a list of project updates on Covington roadwork and infrastructure projects. For any additional information or questions please contact the Covington Engineering Department at 859.292.2112. Licking River Levee Stabilization Project: Licking River Levee Slide near the dead end section of 21st Street. Status: The Levee has been stabilized.  Plans are currently out to bid to comple...

Zoning Hearing 6/21/16

A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held at 5:00 p.m. at the Kenton County Detention Center, 3000 Decker Crane Lane to consider a proposed map amendment changing an area located at 303 Hands Pike from RS 7.5 (a suburban residential zone) to CG-2A (a general commercial zone).  The meeting notice and meeting agenda are attached.   

Public Meeting 6/20/16

A public meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 20 in Commission Chambers. The purpose of the meeting will be to present the proposed FY 2016-2017 budget. Staff will be in attendance to present and to answer any questions regarding the budget. 
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