
Board of Commissioners Caucus Meeting Agenda 10.13.2015

Board of Commissioners' Caucus Meeting Agenda for October 13, 2015.

Covington Main Street Program Becomes Independent Non-Profit

Renaissance Covington is on the move. The non-profit organization aimed at downtown revitalization is moving out of City Hall, both literally and organizationally. For the past year, the Board of Directors and current Renaissance Manager, Katie Meyer, have been working on a plan to move the organization from a City-supported office to a street-level independent non-profit. Last week, Covington Boa...

Board of Commissioners UDRB Appeal Minutes 10.8.2015

Board of Commissioners' UDRB Appeal Minutes for October 8, 2015.

Covington Approves New Parking Plan for MainStrasse

COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington adopted a new parking plan for its popular MainStrasse neighborhood at the Board of Commissioners Meeting on Tuesday, October 6. With the steady rise of new restaurants and businesses, and the continued success of existing ones, the parking plan was designed to benefit residents and businesses alike. “With all of the new businesses opening in Main...
Tags: parking

Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10.6.2015

Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2015.

Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 10.6.2015

Board of Commissioners' Meeting Agenda for October 6, 2015.

Recreation Update October

  Below are list of events sponsored by the City of Covington Recreation Department. For any additional information or questions please contact or 292-2151. Licking River Greenway Trail Day Volunteers are needed on Saturday, October 3, from 9:00 a.m. to noon to help remove invasive species, replant native plants, and pick up litter and debris along the Greenway Tr...
Tags: recreation

Household Waste Collection Event Oct. 17

The Northern Kentucky Solid Waste Management Area and the Northern Kentucky Household Hazardous Waste Action Coalition are joining forces to help Northern Kentucky residents properly dispose of unwanted items. Residents of Boone, Campbell and Kenton Counties can drop off select items on Saturday, October 17, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at UC Health Stadium, “Home of the Flo...
Tags: Solid Waste
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