
Board of Commissioners Organizational Meeting Agenda - 1/3/2023

Draft agenda and legislation. The regular Caucus Meeting will follow immediately after the Organizational Meeting.

Special Meeting Notice – Human Rights Commission 1/5/2023

A Special Video Meeting of the Covington Human Rights Commission will be held on January 5, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of conducting the regular business meeting.

NYE in The Cov

COVINGTON, Ky. – So here we are at the end of “Dead Week,” those days between Christmas and the New Year when – having worn every pair of gifted socks, polished off two entire tins of homemade cookies, and watched four Hallmark movies (well, actually, they really were the same movie) – one can feel as if we’re all limping through a big, yawning empty space in ti...

City Hall closed Monday for New Year’s

COVINGTON, Ky. – Happy New Year from the City of Covington. Note that offices at City Hall will be open on Friday, Dec. 30, but closed on Monday, Jan. 2, for the holiday. They will reopen Tuesday at 8 a.m. May the coming year be full of peace, joy, hope, and good health for all our Covington families. # # #

New police application requirements expand pool of potential candidates

Change gives weight to employment outside law enforcement COVINGTON, Ky. – Hoping to expand the pool of candidates eligible to become police officers, Covington leaders have tweaked the application requirements to give weight to continuous employment in areas unrelated to law enforcement. The Covington Board of Commissioners recently approved a change that would allow someone with a wo...

Trash wasn’t collected Friday? Follow normal schedule this week

COVINGTON, Ky. – Rumpke Waste & Recycling says Covington residents whose trash and recycling wasn’t collected last Friday because of the winter storm should follow their normal schedule and place their carts out on Friday of this week. The contractor is prepared to pick up extra material – just make sure any trash that doesn’t fit within your cart is bagged and place...

Covington’s Snow & Ice Team rested & ready

Trucks are loaded and ready to go. That’s municipal grounds worker Corey Lohstroh filling tanks with a brine solution earlier today. With ‘nasty’ storm almost here, Public Works will do all it can to keep streets safe COVINGTON, Ky. – The road salt dome is full (minus what’s been loaded into trucks). The trucks themselves have been outfitted with plows and ...

Stay home, be safe, celebrate

COVINGTON, Ky. – Here’s the deal. Being as it’s Christmas weekend, not a creature seems to be stirring all through The Cov, or at least not the usual suspects who plan and host the events we typically tout in this weekend narrative events calendar. After much searching, all we found was Keystone Bar & Grill’s ‘Twas the Brunch Before Christmas … Holly ...

City issues moratorium on short-term rentals

 ‘Pause’ to allow review of regulations designed to protect neighbors, housing stock, and residential character of neighborhoods COVINGTON, Ky. – Saying the situation has “gotten out of control,” the Covington Board of Commissioners approved two ordinances on Tuesday night that establish a six-month moratorium on the licensing of short-term rental propertie...
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