COVINGTON, KY - The City of Covington has created a tool to help keep landlords informed.
The City’s new Criminal Activity Alert System will alert landlords who have property in Covington when a police call is made regarding their property.
Through collaboration with Kenton County Dispatch, all landlords who have provided their email address to the City will be notified when th...
COVINGTON, KY – Covington is cracking down on bad landlords.
Several legislative changes related to rental property inspections are on the agenda for the City of Covington’s August 4th Commission Meeting.
These proposed changes are part of the City’s ongoing efforts to strengthen neighborhoods and increase property values by proactively address safety issues. Other efforts over t...
The City of Covington is seeking public input as part of the process to develop a Programmatic Agreement between the City, the Kentucky State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) for the administration of the City’s Community Development Programs.
The City administers Community Development programs with funds from the Department ...
Below is a list of upcoming and ongoing City of Covington Housing Programs.
Veteran’s Resource Fair
The Housing Authority of Covington (HAC) and the City of Covington are holding a Veteran’s Resource Fair on Tuesday, July 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Gateway College, 525 Scott St., Covington, KY. The Fair is designed to connect veterans with local agencies and services inclu...
COVINGTON – Homeowners in Covington may be eligible to receive assistance to address problems with faulty sewer laterals, inoperable furnaces or severe roof and gutter leaks, thanks to a program offered by the City of Covington’s Department of Development, Programs and Strategic Projects Division.
The Homeowner Repair Program will be offered on a first come, first served basis while fu...
Madlot opens Summer Series this Thursday with music + bikes + urban gardens
This Thursday, May 21 kicks off the first in series of monthly summer events hosted by Renaissance Covington at the parking lot at W. 7th Street and Washington St. in Covington, now known as Madlot. There will be live music, a farmers market, food and drinks, and free bike tune ups from 4-8 p.m.
Madlot is th...
COVINGTON, KY - There is a lot of good going on in the Covington business community!
At the Covington Business Excellence 2015 event, held at The Madison Event Center this week, awards were given to businesses that are making a name for themselves and for Covington, as well as to long-standing and notable businesses in the community.
Created last year as an opportunity to say 'thank you' to both l...
Finalists Announced for the 2015 Covington Business Excellence Program!
We are pleased to announce this year’s Finalists in the Covington Business Excellence 2015 Recognition Program!
The following businesses were nominated in seven different categories and have moved forward as finalists from among over 120 nominations by a public nomination process which was open from January 30 ...
COV200 and The Catalytic Fund will each be hosting events on Sunday, April 19th that offer unique opportunities to explore everything Covington has to offer residents and visitors alike.
COV200's Passport Bus Tours will offer special tours of unique, off the beaten path Covington sights on vintage TANK Greenline buses that originally operated from 1950-1972. Stops on the tour i...
The City of Covington and the NKY HOME Consortium are HUD entitlement communities. An annual allocation of funding is received in the form of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program Funds (HOME). This funding is a significant source of revenue for both the City of Covington and the HOME Consortium cities that is used to provide needed public services...