

Nurse Blake, the paranormal & mammograms

COVINGTON, Ky. – With Halloween just … er … (subtract the 7, carry the 1 …) 24! days away, you might notice a little bit of the spooky stuff settling into the #weekend stuff. Believe, it’ll get darker before it gets better. But there’s also a concert, a comedy show, a breast cancer chalk and screenings event, and more. Adults only They average about ...

In October, ‘Paint The Cov Pink’

City, partners mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month with mammogram event, other activities   COVINGTON, Ky. – Pink, the power color of breast cancer awareness, will be the City of Covington’s veritable signature color throughout October as the City and its partners mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a variety of activities and events.   “There will be ...

Pumpkin guts, wizard hats & crown

COVINGTON, Ky. – This weekend is about variety in The Cov, as in an eclectic array of features and events that will tickle all your tastes.   We’ve got street hockey and pro wrestling, a home tour and pumpkin carving, an art exhibit and YA fiction, vintage clothing and wizard hats (sometimes they’re the same), music, crown chakras and more.   Time for a stor...

Trauma seminar includes spouses

Chip Terry Fund for First Responders bringing awareness to PTS; tickets available   COVINGTON, Ky. – Tickets remain available for a “couples event” Friday – including dinner, entertainment, and educational presentations – designed to build awareness about post-traumatic stress for both First Responders AND their spouses.   Unfortunately, event...

Heartless Bastards & Schitt’s Creek

COVINGTON, Ky. – Ah, that ever-so-slight coolness in the air – if summer must come to an end, let it play out with a subtle dip in temps and a paintbrush swipe of crimson and gold across a canopy of trees.   That’s the kind of segue into fall that makes you want to get outside and do something.   So … how about: An outdoor movie … free family p...

Oil, tires, TVs, & more

Upcoming cleanup events help solve trash problems   COVINGTON, Ky. – Need to do some fall cleaning?   Two events in the coming weeks can help you not only make extra space in your basement and shed but also get rid of problematic items like oil, antifreeze, televisions, and tires.   The first event, this Saturday at the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub in C...

Eastern Corridor 'conversation,' Part II

The turnout and the engagement were lively at the first “Cookouts and Conversations” economic development “activation event” in Austinburg last week, so much so that a second all-day event occurs Friday.  Friday event adds free photos, movie to economic activation effort COVINGTON, Ky. – Both the turnout and the discussion at the first “cookouts and c...

Graze, ’gaze, tag a butterfly (gently)

COVINGTON, Ky. – There is no excuse to sit home bored this weekend because it’s packed with options.   (Seriously, in well over three years of compiling this narrative weekend events feature, we’ve never seen so many compelling events.)   First, there’s food (the first Taste the Cov event AND the Taste of Latonia AND the Summer of Cov Night Bazaar), th...

Fluttery journey of a thousand miles

(Photo 1) Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Covington and the Kentucky Waterways Alliance built a pollinator garden in Barb Cook Park this summer. (Photo 2) The new Mayor's Monarch Pledge sign at Hands Pike Park in South Covington. Saturday ‘tagging’ events part of effort to save iconic monarch COVINGTON, Ky. – With firm but gentle pressure, Patrick Moore picked the...

Steins, sunflowers & Judy Garland

COVINGTON, Ky. – Lederhosen will be de rigueur this weekend in MainStrasse Village while, over on the other side of town, our favorite farm girl from Kansas gets caught up in something much bigger than a twister, and there’s a bunch of singing and dancing about it.   But if you don’t like to quaff and scarecrows are too scary, there’s plenty of other options this...
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