

2020 Census & Bean Haus Too

Volunteers to help attendees fill out forms at coffee shop’s Greenup grill-out   COVINGTON, Ky. - The Covington Census Committee is “crashing” Bean Haus Too’s community grill-out on Saturday in an effort to raise Census participation rates in surrounding neighborhoods.   The grill-out runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and will feature free food, such as burgers, hot dogs...

German Stripes, takeout & critters

COVINGTON, Ky. - Kentucky has begun Phase II of Healthy at Work: The Reopening, but socially speaking, we’re not there yet.   Still, there’s fun to be had in Love the Cov this weekend, what with the Farmers Market selling food and plants for your garden and all sorts of fantastic restaurants around the city delivering food or selling takeout.   There are also all sorts of vir...

Draft complete: The Neighborhood Development Code

COVINGTON, Ky. - After years of suffering under an unworkable zoning ordinance, months of work with consultants, numerous large and small engagements with the public, and a sharp setback in the original timeline caused by the onset of social distancing, the Neighborhood Development Code steering committee of Covington representatives has completed its efforts in gathering initial public feedback, ...

Mom, Jason & Pappy

COVINGTON, Ky. - This is week gazillion of #HealthyatHome here in #LoveTheCov, so we’re still preaching caution while listening to Andy (aka Steve’s son or the Governor) start to roll out more details of reopening the local economy in a safe manner.   Nevertheless, we’ve again compiled a few suggestions for a safe and socially distanced weekend here in Covington, i...

Fresh greens & family history

COVINGTON, Ky. - We’re still in #HealthyatHome mode here in #LoveTheCov, but with Gov. Beshear (Andy, not Steve) implementing the first phase of reopening the economy, we’re trying hard to resist thinking in terms of light at the end of the tunnel, proverbially speaking.   In other words, “caution” is still the word, and social distance is still the thing.   But ....

Farmers Market: It's back

COVINGTON, Ky. - Andy at 5. Carryout or delivery from Covington’s fabulous restaurants. Online church-going.   Above all, social distance (that’s a verb, by the way), and #HealthyatHome.   Yep, we’ve been pretty much a broken record the last few weeks, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, but this weekend there’s some new offerings in #LoveTheCov, and we&...

Bingo, books & BCM

COVINGTON, Ky. - It’s a sign of a pretty cool town when - even during a pandemic when everything is pretty much shut down and we’re all being told to stay #HealthyatHome - that it’s possible to put together a half-way decent weekend narrative events calendar.   (That’s our story, as they say, and we’re not wavering from it ...)   Anyway, #LoveTheCov   B...

Faith via Facebook & books by bike

COVINGTON, Ky. - You can’t walk very far in Covington without seeing a church (and usually three or four). That’s testament (pun intended) to this city’s strong German Catholic heritage and its vibrant faith community of all denominations.   So it goes without saying that Easter weekend is an important time for a lot of people, spiritually speaking. Easter is also ...

Reading for $$$: Mayor's challenge extended

COVINGTON, Ky. -- Here’s a cash incentive to encourage your youngest students to read and do reading-related games and exercises on the Read Ready Covington app while they're stuck at home.   Covington Mayor Joe Meyer has extended the ongoing Mayor's Reading (and Reward) Challenge - aka the 2020 Read Across Covington Challenge - until April 15.   See the attached flier for details ...

Having fun, social distancing style

COVINGTON, Ky. - “You can’t be doing that” has become a statewide catchphrase, thanks to Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear’s daily briefings on the coronavirus pandemic, and, as much as we hate to do it, good sense requires we start off this COVID-19 Edition of our weekly narrative events calendar with that quick admonition.   The weather is supposed to be nice for ...
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