
Mayor & Commissioners

Board of Commissioners Meeting Notice 3/26/2024

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held at the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 20 West Pike Street, Covington, Kentucky, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 6:oo p.m.  Members of the Board of Commissioners may participate viavirtual platform.

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 2/27/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 2/27/2024

Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 3/12/2024

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meeting.

Meyer at the White House

Mayor invited to tout Covington projects to Sec. Buttigieg, Biden officials in Washington COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington Mayor Joe Meyer will go national with The Cov’s message on Thursday. The mayor is one of several dozen leaders from Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia invited to the White House to tell Biden Administration officials how federal investment in the city&rsq...

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 02/20/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 02/20/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 02/13/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 02/13/2024

Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 2/27/2024

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.
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