Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.
A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held in person on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 20 W. Pike Street, Covington, KY 41011 for the purpose of receiving public comments regarding the 2024 Property Tax Rate, the reading of the Ordinance related to 2024 Property Tax Rate, and considering an order to fill a vacancy on the Board of Commissioners.
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 08/15/2023
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 08/08/2023
Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 08/01/2023
Resignation leaves seat on elected body to be filled by appointment
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington residents have until Aug. 18 to apply for a seat on the Covington Board of Commissioners.
The resignation of Commissioner Nolan Nicaise on Tuesday left a vacancy for a term that lasts until the end of 2024. Given the timing of that resignation, the Kentucky Constitution requires the vacancy b...
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 07/18/2023