COVINGTON, Ky. -- Ahead of the federal Martin Luther King Day holiday this past Monday, an out-of-town splinter group of the KKK snuck into towns and cities across Greater Cincinnati – including Covington – and posted hateful and racist flyers. To be clear, Covington wasn’t the only area targeted, and this wasn’t the first time. In fact, this group does this several ti...
Members from 9 neighborhoods have different experiences, perspectives
COVINGTON, Ky. – The newly proposed committee that will help guide the City’s move to a new governing structure over the next two years includes members from nine neighborhoods with a wide range of experiences and voices.
The Committee on Form of Government Transition will hold its first meeting Jan. 29 and com...
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 1/7/2025
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 12/17/2024
Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.
The 2025-26 Covington Board of Commissioners: from left, Tim Downing, Shannon C. Smith, (Mayor) Ron Washington, James Toebbe, and Tim Acri. Photo by Sam Greenhill.
Ceremonial evening to feature Covington restaurants, singers etc.
COVINGTON, Ky. – The five members of the newly elected Covington Board of Commissioners will be sworn into office Friday evening during a public event a...
Mayor Joe Meyer, left, and Commissioner Steve Hayden will hold office for one more week.
As is tradition, resolutions honor retiring elected officials
COVINGTON, Ky. – The Covington Board of Commissioners will not meet this week and next week (Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve) but will kick off 2025 on Jan. 7 with the first meeting of the newly elected Commission.
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 12/4/2024
Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 12/3/2024