
Mayor & Commissioners

Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 11/19/2024

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meeting.

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/08/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/08/2024

Reminder: No political signs on public property

Political signs sprout up everywhere during campaign season. Here’s a photo taken in the 1970s by a photographer for the now-defunct The Kentucky Post. (Photo used courtesy of the Kenton County Public Library) City may remove posters in the right of way COVINGTON, Ky. – With election season in high fervor, the City of Covington is reminding candidates and their supporters that po...

Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 10/22/24

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/01/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 10/01/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 9/24/2024

Board of Commission Meeting Minutes 9/24/2024

Board of Commissioners Legislative Meeting Agenda 10/8/2024

Draft agenda, legislation, and minutes from the previous meetings.

Meeting Notice – Board of Commissioners 10/1/2024

A meeting of the Covington Board of Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 20 W. Pike Street, Covington, KY 41011 for the purpose of conducting the business of the regular meeting.  Pleass see the attached notice.
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