The fiery wreck that damaged the Brent Spence Bridge should remind people of the dangers of hazardous materials on the bridge, Covington officials say. (Photo from Kentucky Transportation Cabinet)
Nov. 11 fiery crash, shutdown are ‘wakeup call’
COVINGTON, Ky. – City of Covington officials want a 2013 regulation that bans hazardous materials on the Brent Spence Bridge to be...
COVINGTON, Ky. – It took an after-dark knock on the door from Police Chief Rob Nader, but the City of Covington found a way – despite COVID-19 – to formally say “good-bye” to City Commissioner Denny Bowman.
More than a “good-bye,” however, it was gratitude that the City wished to convey on this, the last meeting of the 2019-20 Board of Commissioners...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.)
COVINGTON, Ky. – What with gift-giving and other festivities, the holidays produce a lot of trash. Some of it can be recycled. Some of it can’t.
Here’s a holiday-themed list of what should or shouldn’t...
The Annex by Greenline Salon operates at 130 W. Sixth St., adjacent to its original location.
Program awards $$ for rent, façade work; new round to begin
COVINGTON, Ky. – A City incentive program that has helped 55 small businesses in Covington with first-year rent or façade improvements since the beginning of 2018 is scheduled to add five more businesses – from fiv...
COVINGTON, Ky. – Weekend in LoveTheCov has been on hiatus because we in good conscience couldn’t urge people to get out in public with COVID-19 numbers in Kentucky setting record after record.
We’re back – not because the threat is over, because it is not (although there are hopeful signs) – but because we’re trying to balance a range of needs that seem t...
TIF district designation in works would use
future state tax revenue to repay City’s debt
COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington received preliminary approval today to study the possible use of future state tax revenues to pay for new roads, sidewalks and other improvements to the 23-acre IRS site and surrounding areas to prepare it for private development.
The City recently had to put a “Band-Aid” of asphalt on a sinking section of Eighth Street but will close the street next week to work on a permanent repair.
Sections of concrete failing between Russell, Pike streets
COVINGTON, Ky. – Eighth Street between Pike and Russell streets will be closed starting Monday so the crumbling and sinking concrete roadway can be torn up an...
(Photo provided by Welcome House.)
Goal of Welcome House shelter: Long-term housing stability
COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington is giving $367,720 to Welcome House of Northern Kentucky to help it operate a temporary shelter designed to help homeless individuals not only survive the winter but also find permanent, stable housing.
The Garden Center Winter Shelter opened Nov. 30 as...
Just 10 seconds after ignition, a Christmas tree whose needles were allowed to dry out becomes a fiery torch in this demonstration from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Covington fire officials offer tips on preventing holiday fires
COVINGTON, Ky. – The video, shown HERE, is breathtaking in a scary way.
Within mere seconds after flame is touched to a live Chr...
A new NKY Pride Center is opening two blocks from City Hall.
Decisive steps to create ‘welcoming’ community a part
of economic strategy to attract talent, officials say
COVINGTON, Ky. – The nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group says the City of Covington continues to take decisive steps – not just make empty promises and espouse platitudes – when it comes ...