(Photo provided by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Nov. 25 is deadline for proposals related to COVID-19
COVINGTON, Ky. – Continuing its efforts to help those affected negatively by the pandemic and its impact, the City of Covington is looking for proposals from agencies that provide homeless assistance to help it spend up to $300,000.
“Qualified and exp...
Household recycling participation rate, by neighborhood
Online presentation Friday gives tips, ‘how-to’
COVINGTON, Ky. – The number of Covington households that recycle at home has increased 58 percent since 2016.
Hoping to increase both that number and the knowledge of how to recycle correctly, Covington will join the nation in celebrating America Recycles Day next week ...
COVINGTON, Ky. – Math. Tabulations.
If you’re like the rest of America, your primary source of entertainment right now is a 24/7 following of any news site giving a running account of The Count.
That’s the presidential election, of course, in which America turned out in record numbers to decide whether to replace Donald Trump with Joe Biden. (As of this moment, we...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a series of recycling tips from the City of Covington's Neighborhood Services Department, Solid Waste & Recycling Division.)
COVINGTON, Ky. – Think of it as the average home’s version of spent fuel rods from a nuclear reactor – dangerous waste that’s difficult to get rid of in a safe and eco-friendly manner and devastating to future ...
COVID-19 cleaning and hygiene supplies are available Saturday at Be Concerned.
Co³ program distributes cleaning, hygiene supplies
COVINGTON, Ky. – If you live in Covington and need cleaning and hygiene supplies related to COVID-19, Saturday is the first distribution under a program that Be Concerned: The People’s Pantry is calling Co³ -- or “Co-cubed.”
One of Covington’s greatest strengths is its unique small businesses.
Area’s ‘red zone’ status brings new safety recommendations
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington officials are urging the public to support the city’s small businesses as an escalation of COVID-19 cases has pushed Kenton County into “red zone” status, bringing new recommendations design...
COVINGTON, Ky. – “Spooky” is the theme of yet another weekend in The Cov, as Halloween invades and pervades almost every venue and event.
There’s a walking-tour mystery within The Carnegie, a canine costume contest, a “Spooktacular Sweatfast,” “Costumes & Cocktails” etc. etc.
(We’re sure that next week starts the Christm...
Reminder: Follow health guidelines for trick-or-treating, events
COVINGTON, Ky. – With Halloween just two days away, Covington families are being urged once again to follow COVID-19-related safety protocols designed to limit human contact – regardless of whether you’re passing out candy or going door to door asking for it.
The climbing number of COVID-19 cases in Kentucky and...
Commissioner Michelle Williams, bottom center, jokes about wearing “my naturally curly hair” for Tuesday night’s meeting to mark the vote on The CROWN Act.
City 1st in Ky. to make CROWN Act part of Human Rights Ordinance
COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington laid down another marker Tuesday night as it continues to lead Kentucky in creating a welcoming, inclusive en...
New contract for 10 roads in Covington should mean
quicker response, Public Works says
COVINGTON, Ky. – Drivers should experience smoother and safer travel on main routes through the City this winter.
Saying its Public Works crews are positioned to respond more quickly within Covington’s borders, the City of Covington is taking over the responsibilities of repairing poth...