
Press Releases

Taking shape on the riverfront

The amphitheater designed as part of the City of Covington's Riverfront Commons continues to take shape on the banks of the Ohio River, courtesy of Prus Construction. This photograph was taken last week. For more information:

Honoring your father

COVINGTON, Ky. - There are a gazillion (individualized and spur-of-the-moment) ways to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend in #LoveTheCov.   You could - for example - go canoeing or kayaking on the Licking and Ohio rivers, fish at Prisoners Lake (get a license though), buy him a six-pack of unique craft brew from Braxton Brewing Company, take a walk on the Licking River Greenway & T...

Small biz incentive program fine-tuned

Covington’s Small Business Program has been used over the last few years to help entrepreneurs and small businesses like OKOTA, a wedding design and planning company on Pike Street.   COVINGTON, Ky. - New eligibility for daycare centers and “bonus points” for businesses owned by minorities, women, and military veterans are among changes set to be adopted for the City of Co...

Hilltop moving HQ to Covington

Hilltop Basic Resources is supplying the concrete for the ongoing Riverfront Commons trail and amphitheater project on the Ohio riverfront. The company is moving its headquarters to Covington this summer. Top supplier of construction materials brings 20 jobs, prestige  COVINGTON, Ky. - A company that has been shaping Covington’s skyline will soon be a part of it.   Hilltop Basic R...

Bagels, blooms & bikes

COVINGTON, Ky. - First, some PSAs: You have until Monday to request an absentee ballot for the June 23. You have a little over a week to get a Father’s Day present. And, most importantly, the pandemic is not over. We know that many businesses, offices, and other establishments that were closed have started to open up again. But you still have an obligation to do what you can to ...

Leading the ‘army’ of parks volunteers

Volunteers plant the Mayor’s Monarch Coalition butterfly garden at Randolph Park, and … New application to help City be responsive to proposed projects  COVINGTON, Ky. - Over the years, volunteers in Covington have tackled a long list of recreation-related projects: Painting the shelters in Goebel and Randolph parks ... cutting dense thickets of Asian bush honeysuckle on the...

Census ‘party’ Saturday at City Heights

Volunteers to help residents fill out confidential form   COVINGTON, Ky. - The latest stop in the Covington Census Committee’s tour?   The City Heights housing complex.   On a mission to make sure every Covington resident is counted in the 2020 Census, the committee will hold a Census party Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. at the complex at the end of Benton Road.   Tables wi...

Software firm, café in line for help

The Roost is scheduled to open near Ritte’s Corner in Latonia.  Rent subsidies on Commission’s ‘consent’ agenda tonight  COVINGTON, Ky. - A City incentive program that has helped 51 small businesses with first-year rent or façade improvements since the beginning of 2018 will add two more businesses to the list tonight.   The consent agenda for the Covi...

City still fighting bus route reductions

Some changes made, more sought ahead of Wednesday’s TANK vote   COVINGTON, Ky. - A day before the board overseeing public bus service in Northern Kentucky votes on drastic changes to routes, City of Covington officials continue fighting to maintain transportation options for its vulnerable populations.   City Manager David Johnston sent a letter to TANK (Transit Authority of Northe...

New life for historic 'Pickle Factory’

 The long-vacant former Pickle Factory building in the alleys behind Madison Avenue shows off its new windows. Mostly hidden from view, long-vacant building on agenda for City help  COVINGTON, Ky. - At various times during its 150+ years of “life,” the somewhat hidden three-story brick building at 422 Madison Ave. has housed a soft drink factory, a steam dye company, and the ...
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