
Press Releases

Telehope & T-Bone suplexes

COVINGTON, Ky. - If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get out more and try something new, we have a few ideas this weekend in LoveTheCov:   Righteous tuneage Go to just about any Covington pub or nightclub this weekend (places like Smoke Justis, Wunderbar, Strasse Haus, Molley Malone’s), and at least one night you’ll find a singer-guitarist sitting on a corner stool ...

City Hall closed Wednesday

COVINGTON, Ky. - Happy New Year from the City of Covington. Note that offices at City Hall at 20 W. Pike St. will be closed on Wednesday but will reopen at 8 a.m. Thursday. ###

Covington swears in new police officer

New Covington Police Officer Brad Morris, second from right, poses with, from left, Sgt. Jennifer Rudolph, Chief Rob Nader, Mayor Joe Meyer, and Captain Greg Jones. COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington’s newest police officer is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force who has eight years of experience as a police officer in other Northern Kentucky cities.  Brad Morris was sworn in this morning by ...

Proposals sought for 3 vacant lots

Single-family housing is being built at 954 and 956 Philadelphia St. The City sold the empty lots – and a third lot across the street – to Urban Community Developers in May 2019 after issuing a request for proposals. City seeking developers to build new single-family housing  COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is looking for developers interested in building single-family in-...

Jake Speed, de-stressing & NYE

COVINGTON, Ky. - We’re going to bend our rules and talk not only about the weekend in #LoveTheCov but also mention next Wednesday because ... well ... for obvious reasons.   But lest you rush forward to the New Year, you should realize that there are indeed interesting things to do this weekend, including some events designed to help you relax after a stressful holiday.   Jake Spee...

City Hall closed Tuesday, Wednesday

COVINGTON, Ky. -- Merry Christmas from the City of Covington. Note that offices at City Hall will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, but will reopen Thursday at 8 a.m.  ###

A (literal) ton of food

Economic Development created a replica of the Suspension Bridge – complete with a “barge” underneath and lights on the towers – with some of the cans it collected during the food drive. City Hall 'trash talk' benefits pantry's Christmas Store  COVINGTON, Ky. - The unity and collaboration that Covington's leadership fosters at City Hall devolved last week into a flour...

Covington holiday garbage, recycling schedules

Both weeks: One-day delay, starting Wednesday   COVINGTON, Ky. - Velvet-voiced crooners on “Christmas Tunes Until Your Eardrums Bleed” stations are singing serenely of roasting chestnuts, corn for popping, pretty paper, and horses drawing sleighs across peaceful landscapes glistening with snow on midnights clear.   In this universe, however, Christmas reality includ...

IRS site: ‘This is real now’

Amid purchase negotiations, consultant pitches mixed-use development with street grid, green spaces   COVINGTON, Ky. - A consultant’s conceptual plan for the 23-acre IRS site includes a restored street grid, a levee park, a community plaza for festivals, and a mixture of buildings containing offices, retail shops, and places to live.   The goal?   That it &ld...

Fire Department promotes from within

From left, Covington Fire Chief Mark Pierce poses with newly promoted Capt. Kyle Simpson, Lt. Dennis Hoyle, and Assistant Chief Greg Salmons.  Salmons 'obvious, best' choice for assistant chief   COVINGTON, Ky. - Covington has a new assistant fire chief, and he's a familiar face.   During Greg Salmons' 15 years with Covington's Fire Department, he has helped streamline and strength...
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