
Press Releases

Small-business program: Record activity

Proposed small-business incentive awards during the fourth round of funding come from nine neighborhoods – fulfilling the City’s goal of spreading out the economic energy. Officials find extra money to fund 12 projects across Covington  COVINGTON, Ky. - Eager to help its small businesses, the City of Covington over the last two years has quadrupled the money it sets aside for fir...

Precaution after pool chemical accident at Goebel

Goebel Pool is cordoned off after a small chlorine gas release. UPDATE: The shelter-in-place advisory has been lifted.  COVINGTON, Ky. - Residents living in about a one-block area around Goebel Pool are under a shelter-in-place advisory after pool chemicals inadvertently got mixed, Covington Fire officials said early this afternoon.  “The mixture produced a small cloud of chlorin...

Action Plan invests $3.4MM in housing, neighborhoods

COVINGTON, Ky. - A $3.4 million plan to invest in Covington’s low- and moderate-income areas includes almost $1.4 million in programs set up to help people buy homes and to create, repair, and maintain affordable housing.   The Covington City Commission tonight will hear a presentation on the proposed budget for the CDBG/HOME Annual Action Plan for program year 2019-20. The Commis...

In Covington, Y’all Means All

The City of Covington had several entries in the 2018 NKY Pride Parade.  City Hall support for inclusivity, NKY Pride visible and vocal COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington’s embrace of inclusivity and diversity will be visible and vocal this week during activities celebrating the 10th Anniversary of NKY Pride.   Visible on Sunday, with City leaders...

'Stop the bleed'

St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s Danielle Stiner teaches a “Stop the Bleed” course to paramedic students from Gateway Community and Technical College. Covington honors instructor who’s trained 600 people to save lives   COVINGTON, Ky. - In 11 years as a paramedic, Danielle Stiner has seen a lot of blood.   But regardless of whether the wound was caused by a bullet, kni...

Yoga, hoops & Pride (the early version)

COVINGTON, Ky. - Maybe you like a little bourbon or beer while shopping for fresh produce. Or ... perhaps you decided that weekend yoga might be the answer to an increasingly stressful work week. Or ... you need a little culture. Or ... your kids are already driving you nuts and you need to find things for them to do.   Well, Weekend in LoveTheCov has you covered:   The end of Open Sourc...

Equipment coming soon to Peaselburg Park

An event at the then-named Peaselburg Little People’s Playground last year gave residents a chance to choose equipment for its renovation. COVINGTON, Ky. - The $80,000 rebuild of Peaselburg Park is set to begin – and when it’s finished, neighbors will see a facility designed for use by a wider age group. “One of the coolest things happening to the park is that it’s ...

6 chances to win in bridge photo contest

COVINGTON, Ky. - See this photograph of the Roebling Suspension Bridge?   You’ll have to shoot an image a gazillion times sharper and more artistic to win the annual Roebling Bridge photo contest hosted by The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee (CCSBC).   The annual contest, which is open to the public, will be accepting submissions beginning Saturday until ...

Preservation excellence

The rehab of the building at 27-41 W. Eighth St., which used to house H. Johnson Moving & Storage but now is home to Road ID and Libby’s Southern Comfort restaurant, won in the Exterior Restoration-Commercial category. River Cities awards honor projects, people for rehab work  COVINGTON, Ky. - To see how committed rehabbers can turn historic buildings into exciting modern uses, chec...

Honoring the fallen

Parade floats and vehicles have been winding their way along Covington streets on Memorial Day for nearly 100 years. Here’s a 2017 image, courtesy of the River City News.  Morning of military recognition in Covington ends with parade COVINGTON, Ky. - Eight hours of activity on Monday morning will honor the military dead as part of Covington’s annual Memorial Day services.   ...
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