
Press Releases

Falling rock pieces force Suspension Bridge to close

COVINGTON, Ky. - The historic John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge will be closed to vehicles beginning at 4 p.m. today after sandstone fragments broke from the east side of the bridge’s north tower yesterday, state officials said.   In an email sent to the City earlier this afternoon, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced that it was closing the bridge until further notice as a p...

Road near Prisoners Lake temporarily closed

COVINGTON, Ky. - The road that curves around and almost into Prisoners Lake in Covington’s Devou Park will be closed for about a week starting Wednesday.   The temporary closure will allow the contractor that is straightening the road, called Prisoner’s Lake Drive, to tie in the new section of the road and pave the whole area, said William Matteoli, Assistant Project Engineer for ...

$$$ for neighborhoods

Neighborhood signs such as this one at Fifth and Philadelphia streets are one example of small projects that are eligible for the City of Covington’s new Neighborhood Grant Program. Meeting next week to explain new City grant program  COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is holding an informational meeting next Monday to explain a new grant program designed to help neighborhoods fund ...

City to be strategic in selling property

This property on Lee Street has been vacant since the City acquired it in 2009. Its sale is pending. New formal guidelines seek best uses for vacant buildings, land  COVINGTON, Ky. - At last count, the City of Covington owns over 150 parcels of property.   They’re of different sizes. They’re spread throughout almost 20 neighborhoods. Their original uses ranged from single-fam...

New Covington officer a familiar face

Police Chief Rob Nader, left, prepares to present Jim Lindeman with his new Covington badge today after Lindeman was sworn in by Mayor Joe Meyer, center.    COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington gained another police officer today, and this one has a familiar face.  Jim Lindeman was sworn in today by Mayor Joe Meyer during a short ceremony in the Covington City Commission chambers....

Order, pick up a free (potted) tree

This flowering cherry on Madison Pike shows that trees have aesthetic benefits as well as environmental ones.   COVINGTON, Ky. -- If you live in Covington, you’re eligible for a free tree from Taking Root and The Arbor Day Foundation.  The trees are 2- to 4-feet tall, come in a 5-gallon pot, and are to be picked up 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 27 at the World Peace Bell, 425 York St. in...

National Pet Day: We miss 'Billy'

'Billy' in happier times, munching on the table.   COVINGTON. Ky. -- On National Pet Day, our thoughts turn mournfully to the member of our family who is no longer with us.  Our little “fur baby” (although technically we guess “Billy” was more like our “precious wooden darling”) went missing last September after being with us only three months, last se...

Book highlights Covington’s ‘weird, wonderful’

Title says 'Cincinnati,' but 16 locations are found here   COVINGTON, Ky. - When travel and lifestyle writer Kathy Witt was identifying places to feature in her 2018 book "Secret Cincinnati: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful and Obscure," she sifted through a region containing almost 1.6 million people.   Yet she kept returning to Covington.   Witt's fascination - and the city's reput...

City starts process to build bigger Engine Co. 2

There’s less than an inch of clearance between Pumper 2’s ladders and Engine Co. 2’s door frame.   COVINGTON, Ky. - Stack 10 quarters on top of each other.  That’s the distance between the ladder on top of Pumper 2 and the door frame on the Covington Fire Department’s Engine Co. 2 on Parkway Avenue.   “We back that truck in very carefully - there&...

Read Ready Covington on WVXU’s Cincinnati Edition

COVINGTON, Ky. - The City’s community-wide childhood literacy initiative, Read Ready Covington, was showcased on WVXU radio’s Cincinnati Edition program today.   Mary Kay Connolly, Director of the initiative, was one of four guests invited on the luncheon interview show to discuss “innovative ways local organizations are improving reading rates among kids.” &...
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