
Press Releases

5 Covington projects saluted as model historic rehabs

Rehab of the Lincoln Grant Scholar House turned a blighted building into a catalyst. COVINGTON, Ky. - To see how committed rehabbers can turn historic buildings into exciting modern uses, check out Covington’s winners in the annual River Cities Excellence in Preservation Awards program.  Five projects were among those honored Thursday evening at a ceremony in Newport for work compl...

Software to bring order to City's contracts

COVINGTON, Ky. - As another step toward improving efficiency, Covington City Hall is buying software that will greatly improve the organizing, managing and storing of contracts for everything from infrastructure improvements to economic incentives.   “This software will be a tool that will help us meet state statutory requirements for retention, organize what collectively is a huge volu...

Summer repaving program to begin Thursday

Linden Avenue was one of the streets in Covington repaved in 2017. COVINGTON, Ky. - Trucks, equipment and crews are scheduled to descend on the corner of Garrard Street and ML King Jr. Boulevard/12th Street on Thursday for the tentative start of Covington’s annual summer street resurfacing program. Over the next three months, Bluegrass Paving, Inc. of Florence will lay a smooth layer of...

Pedestrian bridge installed on Licking River Greenway

A pedestrian bridge installed Friday will carry the paved portion of the Licking River Greenway & Trails over 16th Street as part of Phase ll and lll. COVINGTON, Ky. - With a crane operator’s deft touch and the helping hands of construction workers waiting to guide it into place, a metal pedestrian bridge was lowered gently into its position on the Licking River floodwall on Friday, crea...

Covington seeks revenue manager, engineer

COVINGTON, Ky. - The City of Covington is seeking qualified applicants to fill key positions in its Finance and Public Works departments.   One position, revenue-collections manager, would report directly to the Finance Director and oversee the collection of all payroll, net profit and insurance premium tax returns, including accounting and auditing responsibilities.   "This person fulfi...

Construction work begins on Old Seminary Square parks

Hector Klette, a technician in the Parks and Facilities division of Covington’s Public Works Department, tears up an old concrete pad at Annie Hargraves Park. COVINGTON, Ky. – After several years of gathering ideas, planning and raising funds, site work has begun on a resident-led project to re-imagine and remake two small parks next to each other in the Old Seminary Square neighborhoo...

Covington City Manager the next Gene Kelly?

COVINGTON, Ky. - In his over 30 years in public service, Covington City Manager David Johnston has chaired committees, served on boards, and been asked by community groups to do a wide variety of things - all to make the community the best it can be.   But he's never had to dance.   Never ... until he came to Northern Kentucky.   Now Johnston finds himself not only about to dance .....

Kids to swarm Prisoners Lake for Fishing Derby

COVINGTON, Ky. - Want to see a kid get excited?   Put a fishing pole in her or his hand and watch their face light up when a fish suddenly tugs on the other end. The surprise, the anticipation and the thrill of reeling in the fish ... these emotions all but guarantee a contagious grin that spreads to anyone nearby.   This Saturday, May 19, such excitement will dominate the banks around P...

Pierce to be sworn in as Covington Fire Chief tonight

COVINGTON, Ky. - Just 15 years old when he joined the Bromley Volunteer Fire Department, Mark Pierce felt the firefighter’s call at an early age.   Tonight, after 23 years as a paid firefighter in Covington, he will be officially sworn in as Chief of the City’s Fire Department at a meeting of the Covington City Commission - and he hasn’t lost the fervor he felt as a tee...

Phase 2 of Latonia Avenue rebuild under way

Work on a new storm sewer at 33rd Street and Latonia Avenue this morning signaled the beginning of Phase 2 of the reconstruction of Latonia Avenue.   COVINGTON, Ky. - The second half of the long-awaited reconstruction of Latonia Avenue began this morning. Work began at the corner of 33rd Street and Latonia Avenue, where Riegler Construction is installing a new storm sewer in coordination...
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