
Press Releases

2017 Covington Halloween Trick-or-Treat Hours and Safety Tips

COVINGTON, KY - Get the candy and costumes ready! Trick-or-Treating is set for Tuesday, October 31 from 6-8 p.m. in Covington this year. The City urges everyone to stay safe. For those participating or those who may be on the roads during this time, please review these safety tips from Safe Kids Worldwide:   Walk Safely Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and c...
Tags: halloween

Covington Makes Adjustments to Alcoholic Beverage Control Sunday Sales

COVINGTON, KY - On Tuesday, the Covington Board of Commissioners voted to amend the Covington Code of Ordinances to allow the sale of distilled liquor, wine and malt beverages by the drink beginning at 9 a.m. on Sundays.  Kentucky alcoholic beverage control laws allow local governments to regulate the sale of alcohol on Sundays as well as the other days of the week.    Previously, s...

Independent Investigator Issues City Internal Investigation Report

COVINGTON, KY – A report by an independent investigator hired by the City of Covington to investigate activities within the city’s Code Enforcement Department found no instances of criminal activity or illegal conduct but did find a number of operational and managerial problems that he recommended be corrected. “While the investigation found that no crimes were committed, the rep...

City Schedules 2017 Fall Trash Amnesty Week October 23-27

  COVINGTON, KY – In anticipation of the changing seasons and fall yard work, the City of Covington has scheduled a Trash Amnesty Week for the week of October 23-27, 2017. In addition to the trash contained inside the City-issued trash carts, residents can place up to three large items and ten 30-gallon bags of trash at the curb during amnesty weeks without using a green sticker. This t...

Join Our Team! City Seeks Applications for Part Time Administrative Assistant

The City of Covington is currently seeking a Part Time Administrative Assistant to join the Mayor & Commissioners' Office. Job Title: Part Time Administrative Assistant Department: Mayor & Commissioners' Office Salary: $25/per hour Summary: The City of Covington is seeking a highly skilled individual to serve as a part time temporary Administrative Assista...

Northern Kentucky Restoration Weekend Seeks Artists for 2018 Poster Designs

COVINGTON, KY –  The NKY Restoration Weekend steering committee seeks artists for the 2018 NKY Restoration Weekend Poster Competition.  The winning design will become the official visual icon for the 7th annual NKY Restoration Weekend educational and restoration event and will be featured on posters, programs, online, in social media and all PR and marketing. Additionally, the win...

NKY Council of the Blind & Covington Police Department Host 2017 White Cane Safety Day 10/16

COVINGTON, KY -- On Monday, October 16, the Northern Kentucky Council of the Blind and the Covington Police Department will be conducting the 2017 White Cane Safety Day event. The event includes demonstrations of electronics and gadgets used by the blind and visually impaired to navigate in their daily lives. Additionally, there will be a demonstration on how use the white cane. White Cane Safety ...

Covington Celebrates “Make A Difference Day”; Seeks Volunteers for Tree Planting Event

COVINGTON, KY –  The City of Covington is celebrating this year’s “Make A Difference Day” on Saturday, October 28, and seeks volunteers for a tree planting event along Madison Avenue. Tree planting volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. at the Life Learning Center parking lot, 20 W. 18th Street. The event will extend from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. During the event, approximately 40 tr...

City Issues 501 Main Project Update; Construction to Begin October 16

  COVINGTON, KY – The City of Covington has issued an update regarding the 501 Main project and its construction schedule. Starting Monday, October 16, exterior garage construction is scheduled to begin in the 501 Main parking lot (please see maps below). As a result, the 501 Main Parking Mitigation plan will officially be in effect. The 501 Main Parking Mitigation plan includes the fol...

Covington Neighborhood Collaborative Hosts Annual Summit October 14, 2017; Highlights Ecological Initiatives

COVINGTON, KY – The Covington Neighborhood Collaborative (CNC) announced its 2017 Covington Neighborhood Summit will be held at Gateway Community College (downtown Covington location), 525 Scott Blvd. on Saturday, October 14, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Participants are highly encouraged to register prior to the event. The CNC is an umbrella organizatio...
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