
Press Releases

The increasing allure of the Covington riverfront’s 23 acres

Conceptual renderings of the Covington Central Riverfront site from the City’s master plan show “Block G,” where the law school and medical school would sit. Note these are NOT renderings of the future complex. Senate unveils $150M proposal to make former IRS site the new home of Chase law school, UK med school COVINGTON, Ky. – One magazine cover story labeled it...

Redevelopment of Austinburg Park underway

  ‘Every few weeks there should be a new development’ COVINGTON, Ky. – New sidewalks … repaved basketball courts with new goals and lines … a driveway and parking facility … new playground equipment … a seating area for the FC Cincinnati soccer mini pitch … a new shelter house … an informational kiosk … and a dog park. ...

Chai, smart women & Mario

COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s kind of a chill weekend coming up, don’t you think? Maybe that’s because next week The Cov will be pulsing with a big green energy and likely flowing with green beer. Meanwhile, this is the weekend to learn to make and sip good tea, watch cool flicks, get a little crafty, and maybe step into a real-life board game (stroll down, you’ll see). ...

No political signs on public property

Candidates’ signs herald the arrival of campaign season. Here’s a photo taken in the 1970s by a photographer for the now defunct The Kentucky Post. (Photo used courtesy of the Kenton County Public Library) City to remove campaign posters in the right of way COVINGTON, Ky. – With election season about to engulf Covington, the City is reminding candidates and their supporters...

‘Texas Turnaround’ impact: 41.6% fewer wrecks

Photo 1: Two cars driving the Texas Turnaround’s new loop-shaped ramp emerge from under the interstate and prepare to take the entrance ramp near Pike Street. Photo 2: The required re-construction of the Fifth Street exit ramp in 2022. (KYTC photo) In first year, redesign of entrance ramp to Brent Spence delivered on safety promise COVINGTON, Ky. – Crash statistics show t...

Trash-recycling bill delayed

Separate storm water fee due as usual by March 31 COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington homeowners will have more time this year to pay the annual fee for curbside collection of trash and recycling. In past years, the City included the fee on the same bill that included the annual storm water fee, which was mailed to residents last week. This year, the trash collection portion of the bill is b...

Covington Police (re)gains 30 years’ experience

From left, Covington Police Chief Brian Valenti, Justin Schmidt, Dave Coots, and Mayor Joe Meyer. Two veteran officers sworn in COVINGTON, Ky. – Two officers were sworn in as “new” Covington Police officers this morning, though neither are actually “new” to the Department. One officer, Justin Schmidt, has almost 10 years’ experience as an officer, six o...

Plogging, Bluegrass & guitars

COVINGTON, Ky. – As we sit here this Leap Day and ponder the vagaries and intricacies of the Julian and Gregorian calendars and all things intercalary, let us also appreciate things predictable: The diversity of fun in the Cov. This weekend, join in on a Swedish-inspired event to help rid The Cov’s neighborhoods of trash … gather on Court Street for a new festival … si...

Spring courses at Heritage Trades Academy: Interior plaster, exterior wood

Sign up now to learn valuable skills while developing career COVINGTON, Ky. – Spring courses at the Covington Academy of Heritage Trades will teach you how to restore interior plaster and rebuild exterior wood trim and porches. The Academy – which is supported by the City of Covington – is accepting applications for Spring 2024 courses designed to help residents develop car...

‘Plogging’ event blends exercise, litter pickup

Covington part of Saturday’s statewide cleanup COVINGTON, Ky. – Volunteers will fan out in Covington’s neighborhoods on Saturday to pick up litter while getting exercise during the second-annual “Plogging Across the Bluegrass” event. There’s still time to register for the event, whose name employs the semantic merger of the Swedish term “plocka upp&r...
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