
Press Releases

‘The 5-billion-dollar mile’: Bulldozers at the ready for 23 acres

City seeks legislative support, contractor to prepare site for developers COVINGTON, Ky. – With private developers waiting in the wings, the City of Covington hopes to break ground in early spring on installing the public infrastructure that will transform a 23-acre “blank canvas” a block south of the Ohio River into a shovel-ready site. The City has issued a formal re...

Covington’s ‘remembrancer’ (aka City Clerk) wins top honor

Ellis named ‘outstanding municipal clerk’ COVINGTON, Ky. – The Northern Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association (NKMCA) has made official what Covington City leaders have long thought: Covington City Clerk Susan Ellis is indeed “outstanding” in her field. “An unrivaled eye for innovative solutions” … “tireless work ethic” … an...

Covington Police regain 30 years’ experience

From left, Covington Police Chief Brian Valenti, Mayor Joe Meyer, and Officer Matt Hugenberg. Hugenberg the 6th veteran retired officer to return COVINGTON, Ky. – The swearing-in ceremony for new police officers in the City of Covington typically follows a set pattern: Right before Covington Mayor Joe Meyer gives the official oath of office, Meyer reiterates the importance of mai...

Trash, recycling pickup delayed by one day next week

Plus, programs keep holiday trees, lights out of landfills COVINGTON, Ky. – Curbside trash and recycling pickup will be delayed by a day next week in Covington because of the New Year’s holiday. In other words, carts normally serviced on Monday, Jan. 1, will now be emptied on Tuesday, which will push Tuesday pickups to Wednesday, and so on. So … set out your carts a d...

NYE, NWF & Angel’s Envy

COVINGTON, Ky. – If 2023 was great for you, then resolve to keep that momentum going and make 2024 even better. If that WASN’T the case, you know what to do: Break with those bad ties that keep dragging you down, make better decisions (and fix the bad ones you’ve already made), get your priorities straight, vow to do and be better (“Be Best!”), work smarter not harder...

City Hall closed Monday

COVINGTON, Ky. – Happy New Year from the City of Covington. Note that offices at City Hall at 20 W. Pike St. will be closed Monday for New Year’s Day and will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday. May the coming year be full of peace, hope, joy, and good health. # # #

One day more: Wait 24 hours to set out trash, recycling carts the next 2 weeks

COVINGTON, Ky. – Curbside trash and recycling pickup will be delayed by a day the next two weeks in Covington because of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. In other words, carts normally serviced on Monday (Dec. 25 and Jan. 1) will now be emptied on Tuesday (Dec. 26 and Jan. 2), which will push Tuesday pickups to Wednesday, and so on. So … set out your carts a day late...

City Hall closed Monday and Tuesday next week

COVINGTON, Ky. – An early Merry Christmas from the City of Covington. Offices at City Hall will be closed Monday, Dec. 25, and Tuesday, Dec. 26, for the holidays. They will reopen at 8 a.m. Wednesday. Stay healthy and safe.     # # #

Santa’s workshop, goat pins & sips

COVINGTON, Ky. – Stressing over last-minute gifts? We’ve got you covered. NOT stressing over last-minute gifts (as in you’re one of the few people who successfully and strategically shopped for everyone on your Christmas list way back in October and thus while the rest of us are hyperventilating you’re just ready to enjoy a leisurely weekend of food, music, and entertain...

Changes in Fire Department’s command staff

Covington Fire Chief Mark Pierce posed with the newly promoted members of his department. From left, with their new titles: Assistant Chief (in charge of training) Jimmy Adams, Lt./Paramedic Brian Moellinger, Assistant Chief (in charge of prevention and education) Joe Vance, Pierce, Deputy Chief Corey Deye, Capt./Paramedic Josh Campbell, Firefighter/Paramedic Phillip Krallman, and Lt. Benjamin Erd...
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