
Press Releases

Prizes in store for The Cov’s top young readers

Mayor’s Holiday Reading Challenge kicks off this week COVINGTON, Ky. – The time has come once again for The Cov’s young readers and pre-readers to accept a mighty mission: The annual Covington Mayor’s Holiday Reading Challenge begins Wednesday with cool prizes ready to be won. The challenge runs through Dec. 13 and is open to all Covington children Pre-K through Grade...

Free drop-off for household hazardous waste prevents ‘dead zones’

Bring completed registration form Saturday to speed up lines COVINGTON, Ky. – Back in the day, it seemed standard practice: Change your car’s oil, then dump the used oil in a hole in the back yard or down the storm sewer drain in front of your house. In fact, the storm drain seemed to be a catch-all for a lot of dangerous chemicals and not-sure-what-to-do-with fluids … all...

Newest Covington Police officer wants career that ‘helps people’

New Covington Police Officer Jordan Bussell poses with Assistant Chief Justin Wietholter and Mayor Joe Meyer. COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington’s newest police officer has an engineering degree and engineering experience but – in his words – wanted a new career of service. “I want to be in the (Covington and law enforcement) community, and I want to help people,”...

Hockey masks, coat drive & Día de los Muertos

COVINGTON, Ky. – The veil is thinning, there’s a full moon on Saturday, Halloween happens next Tuesday … so yes, there is a definite aura in The Cov this weekend enveloping all the fun things to do. Warm coats & hot dogs By next week it’s going to be mighty chilly and you’ll want to bundle up. So will anyone who ventures outside. Problem is, not everyone ha...

New program targets hard-to-recycle plastics

Use special orange bag to collect wrappers, straws, utensils etc. COVINGTON, Ky. – The list of items that can be recycled in your curbside cart is about to greatly expand in Covington. The City is among communities now participating in a program adopted by Hefty® Brand and Rumpke Waste & Recycling that will keep foam take-out containers, straws, candy wrappers, plastic utensils...

Time to shine: The Cov hosts statewide economic development conference

Photo by Sam Greenhill. COVINGTON, Ky. – Pardon our prideful peacocking, but important guests are in town and The Cov has a lot to show off: Capital investments, thousands of new jobs, robust talent and business attraction, and 23 acres of a once-in-a-generation, enviable opportunity. More than 200 statewide economic developers, job creators, and policy makers from across the Commonwea...

Tree giveaway expanded citywide

COVINGTON, Ky. -- The City of Covington tree giveaway program funded by a grant from Duke Energy has been expanded citywide. The program, announced Oct. 12, was initially limited to neighborhoods that fell under federal guidelines related to “heat maps” and environmental justice factors. But now any address can claim a tree. Fewer than two dozen trees remain, so act fast. To c...

‘Trick or Treat’ hours set in The Cov

Getting into the Halloween spirit on Russell Street. (Photo used with permission.) Use common sense, caution to keep kids safe from accidents COVINGTON, Ky. – Whether you pass out candy or accompany your kids on the annual trek in search of some, here’s the official news: Trick or treat hours in the City of Covington will take place 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31. So &he...

Bike plan effort update on Monday

Virtual public meeting will present draft recommendations, routes in Covington, Newport COVINGTON, Ky. – The public will have another opportunity to weigh in on an ongoing effort to make it safer and easier for individuals to travel by bicycle around Northern Kentucky’s urban core, whether for fun or commute. Bike advocacy organization Tri-State Trails (in partnership with ...

Jack-O-Lanterns, block party & collage

COVINGTON, Ky. – By now it’s readily apparent that Halloween is a LOT more than a single night of putting on a costume and going door-to-door for candy. For many people – and we will neither confirm nor deny that we’re among them – it’s a month-long state-of-mind that demands intense preparation for that one night. Seeing as how we’re coming down the fi...
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