
Press Releases

Dolly & side hustles

COVINGTON, Ky. – There’s big ol’ weekend-long birthday party going on in The Cov this weekend for none other than Dolly Parton. So, make sure you make time for a slice of celebration. There’s also a workshop where you might learn how to escape the daily grind of your current gig by doing something you actually enjoy, and another workshop where you get to create some vers...

Covington gains two new police officers

Photo: Left to right, Covington Police Chief Brian Valenti, new Police Department hires Tatum Abercrombie and Johnathon Stribling, and Mayor Joe Meyer. New hires include transfer from law enforcement agency COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington Police Department’s newest recruits are a five-year veteran of the Louisville Metro Police Department and the daughter of an Army veteran who is com...

Wine, yoga & Hollywood glitter

COVINGTON, Ky. – Stretch, clean, and check out some Hollywood glitter and glam this weekend. You’re also invited to a magical birthday party where part of the magic is you can make a difference for others by bringing canned goods to donate to Be Concerned for its food pantry. Chase away the blues with a good red Want to know a good way to shrug off the rainy day blues? Stop in...

Tapping into local talent

‘Covington Works’ to provide services for under/unemployed residents  to succeed in the workforce Photo by Sam Greenhill COVINGTON, Ky. – A new workforce development project will invest in one of the city’s best resources: the talent in its own backyard, so to speak. Pointing out that the city has been successful in attracting outside talent to move here, C...

Enroll in new construction trades school at Saturday info session

Photo provided by Enzweiler Building Institute. Classes start Jan. 31 at Enzweiler Building Institute in Latonia COVINGTON, Ky. – Classes at the new Enzweiler Building Institute construction trades school in Latonia begin Jan. 31, and to help students sign up, an information-and-enrollment session will be held this coming Saturday. So far, the majority of the interest has focused on...

New year, new you? We can help

COVINGTON, Ky. – Go be you this weekend. Not sure who that is exactly, or what it looks like? No worries. There are a couple of events happening in The Cov this weekend that will guide you back to your true self so you can put together a vision board to set out on your journey to get what you want in life. Just remember (We’re channeling the Glinda the Good Witch voice from the W...

FOP offering $500 scholarship

COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s not too soon for upcoming high school graduates to compose an essay that could lead to a $500 college scholarship from Covington’s police union. The deadline is July 1 for the Covington FOP Lodge #1 Fallen Officer Scholarship, which is open to 2023 high school graduates headed to college. “Due date is July 1st but we encourage students to ap...

Biden visit puts Covington in the national spotlight

President Biden speaks in Covington. (Photo by Carolann Baughman) Nation's chief touts bipartisanship, Brent Spence funding; 1st president to speak in The Cov in 84 years COVINGTON, Ky. – President Joe Biden stood on Covington soil – the first sitting president to do so in 84 years -- early this afternoon to preach the value of bipartisanship and strong leadership and carr...

NYE in The Cov

COVINGTON, Ky. – So here we are at the end of “Dead Week,” those days between Christmas and the New Year when – having worn every pair of gifted socks, polished off two entire tins of homemade cookies, and watched four Hallmark movies (well, actually, they really were the same movie) – one can feel as if we’re all limping through a big, yawning empty space in ti...

City Hall closed Monday for New Year’s

COVINGTON, Ky. – Happy New Year from the City of Covington. Note that offices at City Hall will be open on Friday, Dec. 30, but closed on Monday, Jan. 2, for the holiday. They will reopen Tuesday at 8 a.m. May the coming year be full of peace, joy, hope, and good health for all our Covington families. # # #
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