Use common sense, caution to keep kids safe from accidents
COVINGTON, Ky. – Whether you pass out candy or accompany your kids on the annual trek in search of some, here’s the official news: Trick or treat hours in the City of Covington will take place 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 31.
So … start putting those costumes together, buying that candy, clearing your sid...
Photo 1: A scene from last year. (That’s Prince Baker, James Payne, and Bryan Snider, from left working Greenup Street).
Photo 2: Crews from the General Maintenance Division recently installed leaf-collection equipment on trucks. From left: seasonal laborers Dallas Hedger, Don Housley, and Zach Ackman, laborer Ryan Gribble, light equipment operator Lonnie Johnson, and laborer Prince Baker...
COVINGTON, Ky. – One might think that after the (entirely warranted) hullabaloo over last week’s BLINK that we in The Cov would be sinking into a “woe-is-us, oh-what-to-do-now?” pity party.
One would be mistaken. We’re in “onward” mode.
Let us not forget that this is the month (yes, month) of Halloween and, as such, there’s plenty of fun to be ...
The new bin at Redden Gardens where residents can drop off their food scraps and waste.
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington Solid Waste & Recycling officials are touting a program where residents can drop off food scraps and waste to be composted rather than dumped into their City trash cans.
The bin – set up by compost advocate Queen City Commons – accepts everything from potat...
PHOTO CREDIT: Sam Greenhill
COVINGTON, Ky. – Got an idea about how to enhance the appearance of your community? Maybe something that will build a sense of place by way of public art or a public gathering space? Something that says, “this is the bold side of the river?”
If you do, don’t keep it to yourself. The City has a new competitive grant program that can he...
Wilhoite to tackle complex consensus-building
on initiatives like 23-acre development
COVINGTON, Ky. – The Morehead State University football helmet in Andrew Wilhoite’s office is a keepsake from his undergraduate years as a defensive tackle for the Eagles, but it speaks of the through line of Wilhoite’s professional narrative: Service, teamwork, and consensus-building.
Parks and Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Brad Schwenke welds a disc golf basket into place, while Laborer V Tim Moore (below) touches up the paint on one of those borrowed from Boone County.
Help from Boone County Parks, others critical
COVINGTON, Ky. – The 18 “baskets” don’t match, but the Covington Disc Golf Course is put back together, and playable.
Three day...
Register now for Great American Cleanup
to be eligible for $4K neighborhood grant
COVINGTON, Ky. – If you’re the outdoorsy, “like-to-keep-my-community-looking good” type, then you’re just the person to help lead a neighborhood or site cleanup in The Cov for next Saturday’s Great American Cleanup event.
Each year, Keep Covington Beautiful and The Center ...
COVINGTON, Ky. – While there are lots of events happening in The Cov this weekend, we decided to put the obvious one “front page, above the fold,” so to speak.
BLINK, that wildly popular outdoor public arts festival that includes light shows projected on the sides of buildings, interactive light sculptures, murals, and other art experiences spread out over 30 city blocks in th...
PHOTO 1: Covington’s newest Assistant Police Chief Marcus Jordan, right, poses with Chief Brian Valenti, center, and Assistant Police Chief Justin Wietholter.
PHOTO 2: From left, Lt. Justin Bradbury, Sgt. Aaron Ashley, Assistant Chief Justin Wietholter, Chief Brian Valenti, Capt. Robert Rose, and Assistant Chief Marcus Jordan.
Four promotions approved at Tuesday meeting