
Press Releases

A trail and a river, linked

Photo 1: Covington Mayor Joe Meyer accepts the new way-finding sign from Frances Mennone, a member of the Ohio River Way board, and Brewster Rhoads, its chairman. Photo 2: One of the Voyageur canoes carried Covington’s city flag along part of the 250-mile journey. (Photo from ORSANCO/Annette Shumard)  Photo 3: Ohio River Challenge paddlers and local officials cut th...

One-stop lifeguard hiring event Thursday

Bring ID to Goebel Pool to apply for summer job COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington’s ongoing push to find enough lifeguards to staff a full-schedule pool season continues with a one-stop hiring event Thursday held at Goebel Pool. Applicants need only to bring identification to the event, which will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. A resume is helpful but not required. &...

Application (see below) due June 13 for non-profits to apply for ARPA funds

Purple designates the federal Qualified Census Tracts where services must be delivered. COVINGTON, Ky. – Here’s a reminder that non-profit agencies and organizations have until 4 p.m. June 13 to apply for a piece of the $1.15 million the City of Covington is awarding to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Covington families and workers. The City issued a request for proposals...

Swim season in jeopardy: 10 more lifeguards desperately needed

COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington Parks & Rec urgently needs to hire 10 more lifeguards to open its swimming facilities next week at full schedule. “We’re just desperate,” Parks & Rec Manager Ben Oldiges said. “If we’re not at full strength, the hours our pools are open might be curtailed, or the schedule will have to be shifted, meaning that one or both poo...

Commission discusses chemical plant odors

The release of a “chemical irritant” at Interplastic Corporation in March 2019 required a “shelter in place” order for residents and businesses of West Latonia. Although options are limited, City taking steps COVINGTON, Ky. – Even while acknowledging “limited options” and “tied hands,” Covington officials say they’re taking steps in...

Don't get glassy-eyed

  (EDITOR'S NOTE: Confused about what you can and can’t recycle, not to mention the “where” and “how”? Let Covington’s Solid Waste & Recycling team break it down for you.) COVINGTON, Ky. – Glass can be reused almost endlessly. The key is to recycle correctly, because the “wrong” kind of glass contains contaminants that...

Rainbows, unicorns & Watermelon Wheat

COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s a veritable party all weekend long in The Cov as the city is home base for Northern Kentucky’s celebration of inclusivity and diversity called Pride Week. Tonight’s drag show and beer tapping party will set the tone for festivities that climax with Sunday’s 12th Annual Pride Festival (in a City of Covington park) and parade (through Covington ...

Eastern Corridor efforts win national praise

Officials from the City of Covington and The Center for Great Neighborhoods, who are partnering on the Eastern Corridor Initiative, pose with the award from the American Planning Association. The picture was taken at Covington Yard during the recent awards ceremony at which the City unveiled its new branding message and marketing vision for its economic development efforts. APA award salutes co...

Covington giving $1.15MM to non-profits

Purple designates the federal Qualified Census Tracts where services must be delivered. Note that the 501.00 and 506.00 tracts in the upper right corner are actually in Newport and not eligible for Covington’s funds. City seeking proposals to use ARPA money to mitigate damage of COVID-19 on families, workers COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington has $1.15 million to gi...

NKY Pride 2022: Week culminates with parade, festival in The Cov

Inclusivity part of City’s core identity, economic development strategy COVINGTON, Ky. – Whether you call them “unicorns” or “gargicorns” (to play off their gargoyle-esque vibe), the concrete magical beasts donated to the NKY Pride Center and installed on top of its Pike Street building late last week arrived just in time: NKY Pride 2022 kicks off with a y...
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